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"Quality Assurance Reports" is UiBs archive of documents concerning quality in studies and education. The database contains annual education reports from all instutional levels, course- and programme evaluations and other relevant documents.

Documents related to organizational units, courses and programs are listed below.

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Education reports View education report
Faculty of Medicine Spring 2022
Courses View periodic evaluation
(every 3 years)
BMED325 Cellular Biochemistry and Nanobiochemistry Autumn 2022
BMED330 Cell Communication and Intracellular Signaling Spring 2022
BMED331 Tumour Biology Spring 2022
BMED340 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Spring 2022
BMED370 Computational methods for drug design Spring 2022
BMED380 Seminar Series Spring 2022
BMED908 Early Stage Researcher Seminars in Biomedicine Autumn 2022
CCBIO901 CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium
CCBIO902 CCBIO seminar og symposium Autumn 2022
CCBIO905 Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research
CCBIONEUR910 Patient and public involvement in medical and health research
ELMED204 Animal assisted therapy and assistance
ELMED212 Fjellmedisin
ELMED214 Anaesthesia for surgical Patients - An Introduction
ELMED219 Artificial intelligence and computational medicine Spring 2022
ELMED219 Artificial intelligence and computational medicine
ELMED220 Excercise is medicine
ELMED227 Sleep disorders
ELMED228 Patient safety and simulation
ELMED230 Brain and Music
ELMED232 Sexual health and diversity
ELMED301 Practical ophthalmology
ELMED304 Fordypningskurs i patologi
ELMED308 Intensive course in palliative medicine
ELMED311 Global tuberculosis epidemiology and intervention
ELMED312 Primary care emergency medicine
ELMED315 Advanced course in Allergology
ELMED318 Moderne endokrinkirurgi: fra bilete til behandling
ELMED322 Clinical abdominal ultrasound
ELMED323 Modern cancer therapy
ELMED324 Gynecologic ultrasound in general practice
ELMED325 Interdisciplinary internship in geriatric medicine
ELMED325 Interdisciplinary internship in geriatric medicine Spring 2022
ELMED326 Genetic disorders in nutrient metabolism
ELMED326 Genetic disorders in nutrient metabolism Spring 2022
ELMED328 Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic: an interdisciplinary approach
ELMED329 Cost accounting in health care
FARM103 Social Pharmacy I
FARM150 Biochemistry Autumn 2022
FARM205 Social Pharmacy II and Pre-Registration Training
FARM260 Molecular Cell Biology Spring 2022
FARM270 Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Immunology Autumn 2022
FARM280 Human Physiology Autumn 2022
FARM290 Pharmacology I
FARM295 Pharmaceutics
FARM301A Methods in Pharmaceutical Research Spring 2022
FARM321 Clinical Pharmacy
GENESTAT-B Genetic epidemiology and genome-wide association analyses Spring 2022
HELED620 Leadership in Health Care
HELFYT661 Radiology for Manual Therapists Spring 2022
HELSAM301 Introduction to Health and Society
HELSAM301 Introduction to Health and Society Autumn 2022
HELSAM302 Research Ethics and Science Theory
HELSAM303 Research methods
HELSAM303 Research methods Autumn 2022
HELSAM304 Qualitative research methods and traditionsQualitative research methods and traditionsQualitative research methods a
HELSAM305 Quantitative research methods and traditionsQuantitative research methods and traditionsQuantitative research method
HELVIT300 Theory and ethics of Science
HUIMM320 Basic Immunology Autumn 2022
HUIMM901 Project Seminars in Immunology
INTH310A Introduction to Occupational Health Spring 2022
INTH310A Introduction to Occupational Health
INTH314 Applied economic evaluation in health care
INTH314 Applied economic evaluation in health care Spring 2022
INTH315 Methods in Global Health Research
INTH321A Experimental Epidemiology
INTH321A Experimental Epidemiology Spring 2022
INTH323O Qualitative research methods for global public health - Online
INTH323O Qualitative research methods for global public health - Online Spring 2022
INTH325A Culture and Psychopathology Spring 2022
INTH328B Global tuberculosis - Epidemiology and intervention
INTH328B Global tuberculosis - Epidemiology and intervention Spring 2022
INTH330B Proposal development
INTH330B Proposal development Spring 2022
INTH356 Observational Epidemiology
INTH360 Global Nutrition
INTH360 Global Nutrition Spring 2022
INTH360A Global Nutrition
INTH360A Global Nutrition Spring 2022
INTH914 Applied Economic Evaluation in Health Care Spring 2022
INTH921 Experimental Epidemiology
INTH928 Global Tuberculosis Epidemiology and Intervention
INTH956 Observational Epidemiology: Survey, Cohort and Case-Control Studies
MANT303A Radiology Spring 2022
MANT306A Trygdemedisin for primærkontakter Spring 2022
MED10 Tenth Semester Medicine
MED11 Eleventh Semester Medicine
MED12 Twelfth Semester Medicine Autumn 2022
MED2 Second Semester Medicine Spring 2022
MED3 Third Semester Medicine Autumn 2022
MED4 Fourth Semester Medicine Spring 2022
MED7 Seventh Semester Medicine
MED8 Eighth Semester Medicine
MEDEPI Epidemiology
MEDKVFORSK2 Qualitative Research Methods - deepening the understanding of methods for analysis and traditions Spring 2022
MEDMET900 Basic Course in Medical and Health Related Research Autumn 2022
MEDOD1 First semester Medicine and Dentistry Autumn 2022
MEDOD2 Second Semester Medicine and Dentistry Spring 2022
MEDSTA Medical Statistics Spring 2022
MEDSTA2 Regression models in medical research Spring 2022
NEUROSYSM920 Neuro-SysMed Seminars and symposium
NEUROSYSM930 Applied bioinformatics and data analysis in medical research
NOM Medical Nomenclature Autumn 2022
NUCLI351 Clinical nutrition
NUCLI352 Medical nutritional therapy for child and youth
NUCLI352 Medical nutritional therapy for child and youth Spring 2022
NUCLI353 Medical nutritional therapy for adults
NUCLI355 Patient Communication
NUCLI390A Master´s Thesis in Clinical Nutrition - research proposal Spring 2022
NUTR100 Introduction to nutrition Spring 2022
NUTR115 Nutritional Biochemistry
NUTR115 Nutritional Biochemistry Spring 2022
NUTR150 Food Knowledge Spring 2022
NUTR203 Nutrition physiology macro nutrients
NUTR203A Nutrition physiology macro nutrients
NUTR204 Nutrition physiology micro nutrients
NUTR204 Nutrition physiology micro nutrients Spring 2022
NUTR204A Nutrition physiology micro nutrients
NUTR204A Nutrition physiology micro nutrients Spring 2022
NUTR230 Research Methods in Nutrition
NUTR244 Lifestyle and Lifecycle Autumn 2022
NUTR246 Introduction to dietetics Spring 2022
NUTRANA Human Anatomy Autumn 2022
NUTRFYS Human Physiology Autumn 2022
OD1INTRO Introduksjonskurs i odontologiske fag Spring 2022
OD1ORBI Oral Biology part 1 Spring 2022
OD2ANA Anatomy Autumn 2022
OD2FAR Pharmacology
OD2FYS Human Physiology Autumn 2022
OD2KARIO Clinical skills course 1 Cariology Spring 2022
OD2MIKR Microbiology
OD2ORBI Oral Biology part 2 Spring 2022
OD2PATIM General Pathology and Immunology
OD2PERIO Periodontology skills preclinical course Spring 2022
OD2RØNT Oral and maxillofacial radiology Spring 2022
OD3ALM Comprehensive Dentistry
OD3END-K4 Endodontic Spring 2022
OD3FARMA Pharmacology
OD3KAR-K3 Cariology
OD3KAR-K4 Cariology Autumn 2022
OD3KLIFORB Preparation for clinical teaching Autumn 2022
OD3KOS-H5 Diseases of Oral and Maxiloofacial Hard and Soft Tissues Autumn 2022
OD3PED-K4 Pediatric dentistry
OD3PED-K5 Pediatric Dentistry
OD3PER-K3 Periodontology
OD3PER-K4 Periodontology
OD3PRA Community Dentistry: Extramural studies
OD3PRO-K4 Prosthetics Spring 2022
OD3PROSJ Comprehensive Dentistry
OD3PROT Prosthodontic preclinical skills course
OD3RØNT Oral and maxillofacial radiology Autumn 2022
OD3SAM Community Dentistry Autumn 2022
ODORS901 Scientific seminars in Oral health research Autumn 2022
PHDPED900 Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Health Sciences for PhD candidates and Post doctors
RMED901 Data science with R for medical researchers Autumn 2022
SDG303 Global health - challenges and responses
TPBAFAR Pharmacology
TPBAFERD Preventive Dental Care - Propaedeutic Course Autumn 2022
TPBAFOB Odontophobia Spring 2022
TPBAFOR-K1 Preventive Dental Care - Clinical Course
TPBAFOR-K2 Preventive Dental Care - Clinical Course
TPBAFOR-K3 Preventive Dental Care - Clinical Course
TPBAFORI/II Introductory clinical course
TPBAFYS Physiology and Nutrition Spring 2022
TPBAINFIL Course in Infiltration Anaesthesia
TPBAKAR/END Cariology and Endodontology Spring 2022
TPBAKBK Chemistry and Biochemistry Autumn 2022
TPBAKJE Orthodontics
TPBAKOS Disorders of the jaws and oral mucosa Autumn 2022
TPBAMIKR Microbiology and Hygienics
TPBAPAT Pathology
TPBAPED Pediatrics Dentistry
TPBAPER Periodontics
TPBAPRO/GER Prosthodontics and gerodontology
TPBAPROSJ Final Year Project
TPBARØN Radiology
TPBASAM Socialodontology Spring 2022
TPBAALM Comprehensive Dentistry
TPBAALM Comprehensive Dentistry
TPBAALM Comprehensive Dentistry Autumn 2022
TPBAANA Anatomy: Dental Anatomy and General Anatomy Spring 2022
UPSH301 Perspectives on key health challenges, Part 1 Autumn 2022
UPSH302 Perspectives on key health challenges, Part 2 Spring 2022
UPSH302 Perspectives on key health challenges, Part 2
VAC901 Vaccinology Autumn 2022
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Contact: kvalitetsbasen@uib.no

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