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"Quality Assurance Reports" is UiBs archive of documents concerning quality in studies and education. The database contains annual education reports from all instutional levels, course- and programme evaluations and other relevant documents.

Documents related to organizational units, courses and programs are listed below.

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Courses View periodic evaluation
(every 3 years)
GLODE303 Qualitative Methods and Research Planning
GLODE304 Quantitative Methods and Research Planning
GLODE305 Gender Analysis in Global Development - Core perspectives and Issues
GLODE306 Foundations of Health Promotion
GLODE307 Development Practice
GLODE360 Master's Thesis
GLODE360 Master's Thesis
LOGO319 Research methods and research ethics
LOGO320 Logopediske særemner
MAPSYK303 Anvendt sosial og kognitiv psykologi: Menneskelige faktorer i kritiske situasjoner og kulturelt mangfold i samf. og arb. Autumn 2021
MAPSYK304 Research Perspectives in Social and Cognitive Psychology Spring 2021
MAPSYK319A Behavioral Neuroscience 1: Biological Psychology Spring 2021
MAPSYK322 Work environment development and work conflict management Spring 2021
MAPSYK323 The student consultancy firm: Taking the role of an internal and externatl consultant in organisations Spring 2021
MAPSYK360 Master's Thesis in Psychology Autumn 2021
MAPSYK360 Master's Thesis in Psychology Spring 2021
PED110 Introduction to Education Autumn 2021
PED116 Pedagogical competence Spring 2021
PED200 Education in a Changing Society Autumn 2021
PED311 Philosophy of Education Autumn 2021
PED395 Master's Thesis in Education Spring 2021
PED670 Mentoring within the teaching profession Autumn 2021
PEDA101 Teachers Training - Pedagogics 1. term Autumn 2021
PEDA121 Different Paths to Learning Autumn 2021
PPUPRA102 Practical Teaching Experience 2 Spring 2021
PROPSY301C Preparing for professional work in psychology 1
PROPSY302 Developmental Psychology Autumn 2021
PROPSY305 Cognitive Psychology Spring 2021
PROPSY305 Cognitive Psychology Autumn 2021
PROPSY307 School and Educational Psychology Autumn 2021
PROPSY308 Personality Psychology Spring 2021
PROPSY308 Personality Psychology Autumn 2021
PROPSY309 Social Psychology Spring 2021
PROPSY309 Social Psychology Autumn 2021
PROPSY311C The psychologist as a leader Spring 2021
PROPSY315 Community Psychology
PROPSY315 Community Psychology Spring 2021
PROPSY315 Community Psychology Autumn 2021
PSYK106 Personnel Psychology Spring 2021
PSYK106 Personnel Psychology Autumn 2021
PSYK111 Introduction to psychology and the history of psychology Autumn 2021
PSYK112 Social psychology and personality Autumn 2021
PSYK113 Introduction to methods Autumn 2021
PSYK115 Circadian rhythms, sleep and behavior Spring 2021
PSYK140 Behaviour, Health and Nutrition
PSYK201 Bachelor's Thesis in Work and Organizational Psychology Spring 2021
PSYK202 Methods
PSYK202 Methods Spring 2021
PSYK208 Affect and Cognition Autumn 2021
PSYK250 Bachelor's Thesis - General Psychology Spring 2021
PSYK643 Crises and Autumn 2021
PSYK647 Barn som pårørende når foreldre eller søsken er alvorlig syke eller dør Autumn 2021
PSYK648 Sorg: forståelse, støtte og tiltak Autumn 2021
PSYK649 Pandemi og krisepsykologi Autumn 2021
SPED200 Professionalization - regulations and ethics in theory and practice Spring 2021
SPED250 Bachelor's Thesis in Special Education Spring 2021
SPED311 Philosophy of Special Education Autumn 2021
SPED313 System thinking and screening
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