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"Quality Assurance Reports" is UiBs archive of documents concerning quality in studies and education. The database contains annual education reports from all instutional levels, course- and programme evaluations and other relevant documents.

Documents related to organizational units, courses and programs are listed below.

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Courses View periodic evaluation
(every 3 years)
BIO102 Organismal Biology 2 Autumn 2023
BIO250 Palaeoecology Autumn 2023
BIO273 Fish Immunology Autumn 2023
BIO291 Fish Biology II - Physiology Autumn 2023
BIO332 Phylogenetic Methods Spring 2023
ENERGI102 Life cycle analysis
FARM110 Chemistry and Energy Autumn 2023
FARM124 Chemical Synthesis and Analysis Autumn 2023
FARM130 Organic Chemistry
FARM211 Physical chemistry for pharmacy Spring 2023
FARM236 Medicinal Chemistry Spring 2023
FARM238 Pharmacognosy
FARM250 Analytical Chemistry
HTEK101 Introduction to Ocean Environment Autumn 2023
HTEK102 Practical Training in Ocean Technology Autumn 2023
HTEK201 Measurement Technology
HTEK201 Measurement Technology Spring 2023
HTEK202 Laboratory course in measurement technology and instrumentation
HTEK202 Laboratory course in measurement technology and instrumentation Spring 2023
HTEK301 Selected Topics in Ocean Technology Autumn 2023
INNOV201 Innovation by Design Thinking
KJEM109 Basic Chemistry Spring 2023
KJEM110 Chemistry and Energy Autumn 2023
KJEM120 Chemistry of the Elements Spring 2023
KJEM124 Chemical Synthesis and Analysis Autumn 2023
KJEM202 Environmental Chemistry
KJEM203 Petroleum Chemistry and biofuels
KJEM210 Chemical Thermodynamics Spring 2023
KJEM214 Surface and Colloid Chemistry Autumn 2023
KJEM215 Molecular Physical Chemistry
KJEM221 Quantum Mechanics Autumn 2023
KJEM225 Experimental Design and Analysis of Multivariate Data
KJEM231 Advanced Organic Chemistry
KJEM232 Experimental Organic Synthesis
KJEM235 Structural elucidation of organic molecules
KJEM238 Natural Product Chemistry
KJEM250 Analytical Chemistry
KJEM260 Radiochemistry and Radioactivity
KJEM291 Scientific Communication Spring 2023
KJEM299 Bachelor's Project in Chemistry
KJEM350 Quantitative organic analysis Spring 2023
KJEM351 NMR-Spectroscopy
MOL100 Introduction to Molecular Biology Autumn 2023
MOL103 Gene structure, function and applications
MOL200 Metabolism: Reactions, Regulations and Compartmentalization Autumn 2023
MOL201 Molecular Cell Biology
MOL204 Applied Bioinformatics
MOL210 LIPIDS: molecular, cellular and biochemical properties in health and diseases Autumn 2023
MOL213 Developmental Genetics
MOL217 Applied Bioinformatics II
MOL221 Experimental Molecular Biology I
MOL222 Experimental Molecular Biology II
MOL231 Project in Molecular Biology
MOL231 Project in Molecular Biology Autumn 2023
MOL270 Bioethics
MOL300 Practical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
MOL310 Structural Molecular Biology
MTEK100 Introduction to Medical Technology Autumn 2023
MTEK200 Practical Training in Medical Technology
MTEK200 Practical Training in Medical Technology
MTEK320 Flow chemistry and technology
MTEK330 Quality assurance of chemical analyses
NANO161 Introduction to nanotechnology and -instrumentation Spring 2023
NANO244 Material- and nanochemistry
PHYS102 Basic Course in Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics Spring 2023
PHYS111 Mechanics 1 Spring 2023
PHYS114 Basic Measurement Science and Experimental Physics Spring 2023
PHYS118 Modern physics I Spring 2023
PHYS212 Physics of Medical Imaging Spring 2023
PHYS251 Near Earth Space Spring 2023
PHYS291 Data Handling in Physics Spring 2023
PHYSDID220 Teaching and learning in Physics Spring 2023
PHYSDID220-P Teaching and learning in Physics Spring 2023
Programmes View periodic evaluation
(every 5 years)
5MAMN-MTEK Integrated Master's Programme in Medical Technology
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Address: Postboks 7800, NO-5020 BERGEN

Phone: +47 55 58 00 00

Contact: kvalitetsbasen@uib.no

Responsible: Division of Student Affairs

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