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"Quality Assurance Reports" is UiBs archive of documents concerning quality in studies and education. The database contains annual education reports from all instutional levels, course- and programme evaluations and other relevant documents.

Documents related to organizational units, courses and programs are listed below.

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Education reports View education report
Department of Informatics Autumn 2021
12 Department of Informatics
Courses View periodic evaluation
(every 3 years)
BINF100 Introduction to bioinformatics
BINF200 Analysis of biological sequences and structures
BINF301 Genome-scala algorithms
BINF305 Systems Biology
INF100 Introduction to programming
INF100 Introduction to programming
INF101 Object-oriented programming
INF102 Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming
INF112 Indroduction to Systems Development
INF113 Introduction to operating Systems
INF115 Databases and modelling
INF122 Functional Programming
INF140 Introduction to Cybersecurity
INF142 Computer Networks
INF161 Introduction to Data Science
INF170 Modelling and Optimization
INF210 Modelling of Computing
INF214 Concurrent programming
INF219 Project in informatics I
INF219 Project in informatics I
INF223 Category Theory
INF226 Software Security
INF227 Introduction to Logic
INF234 Algorithms
INF236 Parallel Programming
INF237 Algorithms Engineering
INF240A Basic Tools for Coding theory and Cryptography
INF241 Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Cryptography
INF242 Information theory
INF243 Algebraic Coding
INF244 Graph-based Inference, Networks and Coding Theory
INF245 Computational Number Theory and Asymmetric Cryptography
INF247 Introduction to Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Ciphers
INF250 Foundations of data-oriented visual computing
INF251 Computer Graphics
INF252 Visualization
INF264 Introduction to Machine Learning
INF265 Deep Learning
INF270 Linear Programming
INF271 Combinatorial Optimization
INF272 Non-Linear Optimization
INF273 Meta- Heuristics
INF328A Multiway Dataflow Constraint Systems and UI Programming
INF328B History of Programming Languages
INF334 Advanced Algorithmic Techniques
INF358 Seminar in Visualization
INF367 Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
INF367 Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
INF368 Selected Topics in Machine Learning
INF368 Selected Topics in Machine Learning
MNF130 Discrete Structures
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