Courses: MEVI223 Media Aesthetics - History and Theory - Autumn 2022

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Objectives and Content

The aim of this course is to strengthen students' knowledge of the aesthetics of visual texts, and to develop the ability to use central theories and analytical perspectives on texts such as classic and newer Hollywood films, European films, alternative or non-Western films, art films. and documentaries, contemporary television series, and computer games. An emphasis is placed on linking the aesthetics of the texts to the institutional, technological and production framework conditions, and on placing the texts in a wider cultural-historical context. The course may also focus on particular genres, practices, and themes.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student


The student

General competence

The student

Required Previous Knowledge

Recommended Previous Knowledge

The course build on MEVI101 - MEVI104, especially MEVI103

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap

Access to the Course

The course is open for students at the University of Bergen

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and workshops

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Approved pre-workshop assignments (80%). The workshop assignments can be both written or oral, and can accommodate practical exercises in media production or dissemination. There is not time limit for approved work requirements.

Forms of Assessment

4-day home exam, approximately 4500 words +/- 10%, excluding table of content and reference list. 

Grading Scale

Graded A-F

Assessment Semester

Assessment in teaching semester and the following semester.

Reading List

The reading list will be ready before 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 Decemeber for the spring semester. 

Course Evaluation

All courses are evaluated according to UiB's system for quality assurance of education.   

Course Coordinator

Course coordinator and administrative contact person can be found on Mitt UiB. 

Course Administrator

Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences has the administrative responsibility for the course and the study programme. 

Contact Information