Programmes: MASV-SYSDY Master's Programme in System Dynamics - Spring 2021

Name of qualification

The master's programme leads to the degree Master of Philosophy in System Dynamics.

ECTS Credits

120 ECTS (2 years)

Language of Instruction

All courses are taught in English.



Objectives and content

The master´s degree in system dynamics signifies an ability to analyze how and why things change over time. System dynamics builds on the best traditions in science for studying complex dynamic systems to understand how systems´ dynamics originate from the underlying systems´ structure, to investigate how pressing current problems reflect past policies and design alternative policies that may be alleviate these problems. To do so, candidates are trained to develop simulation models that represent the cause-and-effect structure of the systems studied, to derive their dynamics by way of simulation, and to investigate the relationship between the two. This combination of skills encourages collaboration and teamwork in daily decision-making as well as long-range planning.











Required Learning Outcomes

A candidate who has completed his or her programme should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate


The candidate

General competence

The candidate

Admission Requirements

In order to apply for the Master's Programme in System Dynamics you need a bachelor's degree of 3-4 years' duration, or an equivalent educational background.

You also need to document:

Master thesis credits

The thesis is a research project where system dynamics modelling and simulation are applied as a basis for systems analysis (identification of the origin of a dynamic problem) and policy design (including impact and feasibility analysis) aiming at a sustainable problem solution. Before choosing thesis topics, students are expected to consult with and gain approval from supervisors. A sample of recent topics includes:

Please note that in order to write a thesis (take the course GEO-SD351), there is a requirement of an average result of C or better after the completion of all mandatory coursework. Only those who have met the required standards will be able to proceed with the programme.

If a student¿s master project requires substantial, time-consuming empirical work, typically in collaboration with a public or private enterprise, the student may apply for the 60 ECTS master¿s thesis. If approved, the coursework in semester 3 is waived, and replaced by GEO-SD350 Master's Thesis in System Dynamics (60 ECTS). Students who choose to embark on this alternative must, by the end of the second semester, send an application and project description to the Department of Geography.




Sequential Requirements, courses

First semester (autumn):

Second semester (spring):

Third semester (autumn):

Either semester:

All courses provide 10 ECTS.

Teaching and learning methods

Live-streamed, recorded and stored lectures, seminars, and data labs with active participation by students; individual and group assignments as well as project modelling; individual and group support in-person or remotely from teaching assistants and professors.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, data labs, assignments, project modelling, individual supervision.

Assessment methods

The System Dynamics Group uses a variety of assessments:

Grading scale

At the University of Bergen the student's academic performance is assessed both through final examinations as well as various term assignments.

The grading system has either

  1. a descending scale from A to E for passes and F for fail, or
  2. pass/fail

Grading A-F is most commonly used.

Access to further studies

A master's degree in System Dynamics qualifies for studies at a PhD level.


Master programme in System Dynamics aims to prepare students for an international career in strategic modelling with System Dynamics. The programme will teach you the foundations of system dynamics modelling and how you can apply System Dynamics modelling to a variety of real life complex problems and how you can facilitate the model building process with the client. These skills will enable you to develop the flexibility required to be successful within European and global organisations, whether it be major consultancy firms, strategic planning departments of larger corporations or in public administrations or NGOs. Due to the broad overview you acquire and the systemic approach that is followed in the programme, you are also qualified for more entrepreneurial tasks, either in starting your own company or within established companies.

Administrative responsibility

Department of Geography, System Dynamics group,

Objectives / Contents

Many real life problems are complex in that they are hard to identify, describe and analyse. Typically dynamics, nonlinearities, uncertainty, and lack of data are the main contributors to complexity. In spite of such complexity, people have to make decisions. Experience and laboratory experiments suggest that they frequently misperceive the systems and choose ineffective policies. This motivates the use of system dynamics. Two aspects are central: a method to analyse complex, dynamic problems, and tools to convey information to decision makers.

The purpose of the Master Programme in System Dynamics is to enhance the student's ability to identify, represent, analyze, design, and manage non-linear, dynamic feedback systems within a variety of disciplines and across disciplines. The program focuses on social systems in interaction with natural and technical ones. Central themes are development issues and renewable resources. Examples from practical situations are used in every lecture.

The student is expected to develop proficiency in the application of theories, methods, techniques, and computer-based tools. The tools include software for systems modelling, simulation and analysis, for building simulation-based interactive learning environments and to construct laboratory experiments. The tools cover both analysis and information dissemination. Actually, to a large extent the same tools are used for analyses and presentations. This is possible because the tools are designed specifically for the purpose of building intuition.

Admission requirements

A first degree (bachelor's degree) of three or four years' duration from an approved institution of higher education, as well as proficiency in the English language.


You will learn to apply the principles of system dynamics modelling and to use computer-based tools for simulation, learning environments and laboratory experiments.


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The master programme in system dynamics consists of seven courses during the first year:


GEO-SD202 (10) - Model based analysis and policy design

GEO-SD203 (10) - System dynamics modelling

GEO-SD304 (10) - Advanced system dynamics modelling


GEO-SD305 ( 5) - Interactive learning environments

GEO-SD306 (10) - Laboratory experiments and bounded rationality

GEO-SD307 ( 5) - Thesis proposal writing

GEO-SD321 (10) - Model based development planning


GEO-SD350 (60) - Thesis

and a thesis during the second year. The thesis corresponds to one year of study. A proposal for the Master's thesis must be submitted and accepted by the Department of Geography before the student is formally assigned a thesis advisor.


All teaching will be conducted in English.

Two of the courses in the programme, GEO-SD341 and GEO-SD342 are compulsory. It is possible -- subject to successful application to the Department of Geography -- to replace one or more of the four courses required, with an equivalent number of graduate credits from appropriate alternative courses. In the case of the compulsory courses, the alternative courses must also be equivalent in content.

The student can apply to complete the Master Thesis under the advice of an external Professor, recognized by the Department of Geography, such as a partner within the SOCRATES (ERASMUS ICP in System Dynamics).

The courses consist of lectures, workshops, seminars and weekly assignments or term papers. The assignments and term papers are mandatory and required to take exams. The term papers are considered components of the exams. Their weight is specified for each course.


The thesis work goes through the full cycle from problem definition, to hypotheses formulations, model building and testing, to policy implications. Recent thesis topics include:

-simulation models: innovations in developing countries, spatial urban dynamics, stabilisation of commodity prices, urban transportation, energy taxation, human resources management, social services in Norway, policies for public water utilities

-laboratory experiments: young peoples understanding of delayed uptake of alcohol in the blood stream, popular misperceptions of energy taxes/urban transportation dynamics/collective action

-methodology: eigenvalue analysis of nonlinear system dynamics models, nonlinear and dynamic model optimisation in policy space, synthetic data experiments in social systems

Program Coordinator

Professor Pål Davidsen