Courses: KIN103 Chinese Language 3 - Spring 2019

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Language of Instruction

Chinese and English/Norwegian

Teaching semester


Place of Instruction


Objectives and Content

KIN103 builds on KIN101 and KIN102, providing additional beginner¿s level instruction in and about the Chinese language, with emphasis on language structure, written language and everyday speech. The course is offered to students who wish to learn modern mandarin on more than just a basic level.

Students will acquire practical skills in modern Mandarin, both written and oral. They will acquire a vocabulary of 300 words related to daily life and society, as well as 160 signs. They will also familiarize themselves with common social and cultural activities in China. Correct pronunciation will be emphasized.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the course, the student is expected to:


Required Previous Knowledge

Recommended Previous Knowledge

KIN101 and KIN102 or the equivalent. Good English skills.


Students who have previously taken KIN623 and KIN624 (previously KIN621 and KIN622) must prepare for the course on their own. Please contact the student advisor for information on this matter.


It is a clear advantage to take KIN103 and KIN104 in the same semester.

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap


Access to the Course

The course is open to all students admitted to the University of Bergen.

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching will be given in the form of lectures and seminars. There are about 10¿12 hours of teaching per week, comprising the first 6 weeks in the first half of the semester.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

In order to be able to take the exam, the student must submit 6 written assignments, obtaining approval on a minimum of 4 assignments.


In addition, the student must submit 6 oral exercises with a duration of approx. 5¿10 minutes, on which the instructors will provide feedback. The exercises are to be submitted as audio files.


Students must attend at least 75 % of the teaching sessions. Mandatory assignments are valid for one additional semester following the semester of instruction.

Forms of Assessment

Assessment portfolio. A total of 12 audio files are to be included in the folder: the 6 mandatory oral exercises (5¿10 minutes each) and 6 revised editions of them. The selected work products then form the basis a final grade, where both progression and quality are part of the assessment. The whole folder is submitted at the end of the course.

Examination Support Material


Grading Scale

The grading scale is A¿F, where F is a fail.

Assessment Semester

Fall. There is also an exam early in the spring semester for students with valid and approved obligatory assignments.

Reading List

Textbook for beginners, which comes with its own workbook, and multimedia tools. Dictionaries and a separate grammar book.

The reading list will be ready by 1 Jun for the fall semester, and 1 Dec for the spring semester.

Course Evaluation

Evaluation of the course is carried out in accordance with the University of Bergen quality assurance system.

Programme Committee

The program committee is responsible for the academic content and structure of the study program, and for the quality of all the subjects therein.

Course Coordinator

The Program Board for Chinese Studies.

Course Administrator

The Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Humanities has the administrative responsibility for the course and the study program.

Contact Information

Student councilor:

Exam administration: