Courses: OD3PRA Community Dentistry: Extramural studies - Autumn 2017



Objectives and Content

The practical training is intended to prepare the candidate for working life and ease the transition from being a student to practising as a dentist. Through the teaching of clinical subjects and community dentistry, and through experience, observation and interviews during practical training, the student will acquire a growing understanding of how the dental service is organised and functions in practice, as well as of the problems facing patients and different types of dental health personnel.

The integrated Master¿s thesis consists of 3 parts.

Part 1: Medical statistics (See separate description of medical statistics, first year of studies)

Part 2: Report from practical training (report-writing and presentation)

Part 3: Project assignment (including start-up seminar, library course, writing course and presentation seminar)

The students will acquire basic skills in odontological research methods, including practise in the critical evaluation of scientific literature, as well as experience in presenting scientific material verbally and in writing.

The project assignment will be based on literature studies, case histories or participation in research projects.

Learning Outcomes

After having completed the practical training, the candidate should:

A detailed description of the learning objectives of the practical training can be found in the handbook for practical training.

After completing work on the integrated master¿s thesis, the candidate is expected to have developed a critical and reflective attitude to the subject and be able to communicate his or her own examinations as well as those of others orally and in writing in an academically correct manner understandable to colleagues.

The candidate shall be able to:

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching

The practical training course is compulsory and consists of lectures, seminars and a three-week practical training period in the Norwegian Public Dental Service, including writing a report/journal.

Written reports in the form of a report/journal and oral feedback in follow-up seminars organised by the subject area Community dentistry.

Written feedback will be evaluated as approved/not approved.

Time is set aside to work on the project assignment for one day a week in the seventh to tenth semesters.

In the seventh semester, a start-up seminar, library course and writing course is held for the fourth year students. The community dentistry course includes teaching and a seminar on research methods.

The students work on their assignment either individually or cooperating in pairs.

The students are presented with assignment proposals from the subject areas, but they can also contact the subject areas to make suggestions for assignments. The faculty¿s research leaders shall help to include the students in existing research projects.

The student(s) and the supervisor enter into an academic supervision contract. A member of staff with scientific competence signs as main supervisor. The academic supervision contract specifies the rights and obligations of the candidate and the supervisor. Research fellows should take active part in the academic supervision work and assist the main supervisor.

The submitted project assignment will be assessed by the supervisor and an internal examiner. The examiner must be an employee with scientific competence, preferably from another subject area. The student will receive feedback within 3 weeks of submission. The project assignment has the same status in the regulations as an exam, and it is evaluated using the ECTS Pass/Fail scale. The title of the assignment will be entered in the student¿s diploma.

Forms of Assessment

The practical training will be evaluated by the student and the supervisor using evaluation forms. Students and supervisors receive formal feedback every year.

An oral presentation of the Master¿s thesis for fellow students, teachers and any invited guests will be planned for the middle of the tenth semester.