Courses: HEL310 Master in Health Sciences, Joint Part of Study (Compulsory): Philosophy of Science and Research - Spring 2017

Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Objectives and Content


The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge (understanding) of theory of knowledge based on traditions from both natural science and the humanities; the relationship between theory of knowledge and production of knowledge; and the practical dimension of the concept of knowledge. Further the course shall give the students insight in to important topics in health sciences and their ideas of history and cultural relations. Gender and power relations in the health care system are emphasized.



Questions related to theory of knowledge from both the natural sciences and the humanities will be illuminated and discussed. Special attention will be paid to the relationship between philosophy of science and empirical research. Practical implications of the concept of knowledge will be discussed due to the practical nature of the health disciplines. Central topics in the health sciences like health and illness and the tension between nature and culture, will be analyzed. Ideas of history and cultural relations, like different perspectives on the body, health and illness will further be discussed. Finally, gender and power relations will be focused on.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students should be able to

- recognize different traditions within philosophy of science

- analyze and critically discuss problems related to theory of knowledge in the health disciplines including the relationship between theory of knowledge and production of knowledge

- analyze and critically discuss the practical dimensions of the concept of knowledge.

- give account of important topics and concepts like the body in tension between nature and culture and the theoretical and cultural roots of health and illness.

- understand gender and power relations in the health care system

Forms of Assessment


Internal and external examiner.

Grading Scale

Grading ranging from A-F, where A = Excellent and F = Fail.

Contact Information

Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care


Course coordinator: Målfrid Råheim: