Courses: GEOV221 Karst Geology and Karst Hydrology - Autumn 2017



Objectives and Content

The theoretical part of the course gives an in-depth discussion of the morphology, genesis and hydrology of karst. This includes corrosion chemistry, reaction kinetics, relevant structural geology, hydrogeology, tracer techniques, denudation measurements and process studies in karst. Cave genesis, stratigraphy and chronology is a central topic in the course, as well as paleokarst and its relevance for ore- and petroleum geology. We will also discuss the practical application of karst geology within management, hydrology and engeneering.The Laboratory course gives a practical intoduction to metods of hydrochemistry, corrosion kinetics and tracer methods in karst.The field course involves practical training in cave surveying, morphological and structural interpretation of karst forms, as well as tracer techniques and carbonate hydrochemistry. The field course is held in September in Mo i Rana.

Learning Outcomes

Ved fullført emne GEOV221 skal studenten kunne:


- forklare prinsippene og det teoretiske grunnlaget for dannelse av overflatekarst og grotter.

- gjenkjenne de vanligste kartsformer i felt

- forklare prinsippene for og kunne utføre grottekartlegging, tracerteknikk og analyse av karstvann.

- kjenne til grotters og karstlandkapenes sårbarhet, viktighet som biotoper, klima- og arkelogiske arkiv og forvaltningsproblematikk

Required Previous Knowledge

Principles of geology and chemistry.

Forms of Assessment

4 hours written exam

Grading Scale

The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.

Contact Information

Student adviser, Department of Earth Science, E-mail: