Courses: FARM321 Clinical Pharmacy - Spring 2017

Level of Study

Postgraduate course

Teaching semester


Place of Instruction

Department of Clinical Sciences

Objectives and Content

The aim of this unit is to introduce students to clinical pharmacy and to develop basic clinical skills.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the unit the student, in the context of cardiovascular disease, should be able to:




Required Previous Knowledge

All earlier courses must be passed in order to enroll for this subject. Dispensation from this pre-requisite may be applied for.

Access to the Course

The course is open for students enrolled in the Master`s Programme in Pharmacy

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching

This unit will include:


Workshops, lectures and hospital placements corresponding to 8 ECTS

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Mandatory attendance at all workshops and placements. Mandatory attendance for all lectures (maximum 20% absence from lectures allowed).

Forms of Assessment

Assessment will be in three parts, all of which must be passed to pass the course. The pass mark for all parts is 60%.


Part 1: Portfolio, which includes placement documentation, workshops and write ups, reflections on placements, and different clinical skills, reflective essay and a mini objective structured clinical examination. The portfolio must be handed in one week before the written exam.


Part 2:

2 hours: OSCE-exam


Part 3:

Written exam, 2 hours, which includes:

-1 hour, open book exam to include pharmaceutical care plan

-1 hour, 30 multiple choice questions based on scenarios (Closed book exam, no support materials allowed)


Part 2 and 3 will be completed on the same day.


If you fail one of both parts of the exam, you must re-sit the part(s) you did not pass, including all the elements of that part(s).

Grading Scale

The exam is graded as a pass or fail.

Assessment Semester
