Courses: SAMPOL120 Scandinavian Politics and Government - Spring 2017



Language of Instruction


Teaching semester

This course is offered every semester

Objectives and Content

The objective of the course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of political structures, political actors and public policies in the Scandinavian countries.

State- and nation building processes of the Scandinavian states, including the current status of ethnic minority groups with the societies.

The current structure of the governmental institutions, with a focus on the role of parliament, the relationship between parliaments and the executive power, the structure of the state and the relationships between the central level and regional and local authorities.

Political participation, party systems and political representation. This part focuses on the developments of electoral and other forms of participation, the structure of the party system and the linkages between the electorate and the political parties. Included in this theme, is the study of interest organizations and the 'corporatist' nature of Scandinavian societies. The topic of representation covers the operation of the electoral system, the nomination of candidates and the representation of parties and socio-economic groups in parliament.

The public policy part of the course focuses particularly on the development of and structure of the Scandinavian welfare state, while the theme on foreign policy is focused on the Scandinavian states relationship to European integration.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:


Required Previous Knowledge

Fulfilment of general admission requirements

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching

Form: Lectures and seminars

Hours per week: approximately 4

Number of weeks: minimum 10

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Forms of Assessment

Four days home exam. Length: 3000-4000 words. Exams that exceed the word limit can not receive a pass.


Grading Scale

Grading A-F

Subject Overlap

A student who has already completed SAMPOL110 or SAMPOL105, SAMPOL106 and SAMPOL107 will get the credit for SAMPOL120 reduced by 5 points.

Course Evaluation

The course is evaluated according to guidelines found in Handbok for kvalitetssikring av universitetsstudia.

Contact Information / +47 55583316



Department of Comparative Politics