Courses: OD2PATI General Pathology and Immunology - Autumn 2017

Objectives and Content

The subject includes the study of disease processes in general, how they manifest in the organs, the structure, function and reaction mechanisms of the immune system, how a reduced immune response results in reduced protection against infections and can lead to tumour development and autoimmune disease, how immunological overreaction causes hypersensitivity (allergy), and how diseases can be diagnosed using common pathological methods. The immunology part emphasises basic principles, using examples from diseases and clinical symptoms that are relevant to dentists.

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching

Tuition includes lectures, demonstrations and a microscopy course as well as a laboratory course in immunology for which a record must be submitted for approval by the subject teacher.

Learning materials will be made available on the student portal. Two-way communication between teacher and students will take place via the student portal.

Forms of Assessment

The students are given the opportunity to submit a home assignment to be approved by the subject teacher, with feedback to the students.

The subject is concluded with a four-hour written exam in the fourth semester.



The candidate should be able to explain:


The candidate should be able to:


The candidate shall: