Courses: NUTR208 Nutrition physiology - Spring 2017



Learning Outcomes


After finishing the course, the student should be:

- capable of describing the functions of macro and micro-nutrients in humans

- capable of describe digestion, absorption, metabolism, transport, utilisation, storage and excretion of nutrients

- capable of describing the difference between requirements and recommandations

- capable of describing the safe lever of intake and toxicity of micro nutrients

- capable of explaining the mechanisms for the regulation of nutrients and how disturbances in nutrient homeostasis can lead to diseases



After finishing the course, the student should:

- master the terminology of biochemistry of nutrients

- be able to read and interpret scientific texts, such as peer-reviewed papers on nutrition

- show insight on the metaboism of nutrients in the body



After finishing the course, the student should be:

- capable of utilising knowledge about the biochemistry of nutrients in other areas of nutrition

- capable of asking critical questions and discuss nutrition research with fellow students

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching


Reading List


  1. "Advanced nutrition and human metabolism" (6th edition) Gropper, Smith & Groff (eds), Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning


  1. ("Norske anbefalinger for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet" ) kan lastes ned fra Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet sine hjemmesider: ¿ not relevant for non-Norwegian speakers


  1. Handouts

Course Evaluation

The institutes strive at continually improving their study programs and welcome the feedback of students in the form of organised student evaluations. The evaluation results will be used to revise the study programs, curriculum and teaching methods.

Course Coordinator

Robin Ørnsrud (

Course Administrator

Birger Berge (

Subject Overlap

NUTR208A and NUTR208B

NUTR208 can be split into NUTR208A (autumn term) and NUTR208B (spring term) for exchange students. NUTR208A will give 10 ECTS credits and NUTR208B will give 5 ECTS credits.

Assessment / Examination Format


Evaluation of students will be in the form of a four hour written examination with grading (A-F)