Courses: MAPSYK317 Advanced topics in cognitive psychology - Spring 2017



Level of Study


Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Place of Instruction


Objectives and Content

This course highlights factors that may affect core human cognitive activities, from perception and categorization through reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making to intuition and metacognition. It focuses on culture, language, and the relation between conscious and non-conscious processes as potential factors for shaping cognition, and it takes an interdisciplinary approach to a set of important fields, ranging from our understanding of fundamental domains (such as space, time, or causality) to how we perceive, and behave in, more complex situations (such as climate change). The course will also include a discussion of the extent to which these insights are relevant for our daily lives and for potential applications.

Learning Outcomes


After completing the course the student is be able to:

  • influences of culture and language on human cognition
  • relation between conscious and non-conscious processes


    After completing the course the student should be able to:


    General competence

    After completing the course the student should be able to:

    Required Previous Knowledge

    PSYK208 («Affekt og kognisjon») and PSYK202B («Psykologiske forskningsmetoder B») or comparable courses

    Access to the Course

    Open to students in the Master's Programme in Psychology at the University of Bergen. Also open to exchange students at the master's level as well as to students with a B.A. in psychology and related fields such as cognitive science.

    Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching

    The course comprises a mixture of different teaching forms, including:

    Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

    Compulsory activities will be registered as "approved/not approved¿

    Forms of Assessment

    Assignment of a written paper (max. 10 pages/4000 words) in APA style. The paper will focus on a research question in one of the sub-topics of the course, provide some background on the state of the art in the respective research field, and discuss advantages and limitations of possible approaches. The assignment is a 10-day home exam.

    Grading Scale


    Reading List

    Recommended literature, see Mitt UiB.

    Course Evaluation

    Students will evaluate the teaching in accordance with the quality assurance system of UiB.

    Contact Information

    Information Centre: tel. (+47) 55 58 27 10



    Department of Psychosocial Science.