Courses: INFO381 Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence - Autumn 2017

Level of Study

Master level

Language of Instruction


Teaching semester



Objectives and Content

The students should obtain advanced theoretical knowledge and technical skills on the topics covered in the course. The course will enable students to carry out advanced research projects on topics within artificial intelligence and apply the knowledge to complex intelligent system design and development.


The course covers advanced theoretical and technical issues in artificial intelligence. It will focus on some selected topics and applications, such as artificial life, agent and multi-agent systems, machine learning, neural networks, genetic algorithms and programming, data mining, natural language processing, case-based reasoning, cognitive science, and neuro-computing.




Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course the candidate should be able to

Recommended Previous Knowledge

Solid background in Informatics/Information Science/Computer Science

Access to the Course

Master in information science. Other students may apply for admission.

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching


Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Mandatory participation: Attendance at 80 % of course sessions is mandatory.


Forms of Assessment

Oral individual exam (40%)

Group based assignment(s) (60%)

Grading Scale

The grading system has a descending scale from A to E for passes and F for fail.

Assessment Semester


Course Evaluation

INFO381 is evaluated by students every three years, by the Department every year.

Contact Information