Courses: GEOV331 Palaeoceanography - Spring 2017



Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Objectives and Content

Advanced seminar focusing on understanding current scientific debates in paleoceanography¿with emphasis on the last glacial cycle. The course will examine geological evidence for how the circulation and chemistry of the ocean varied in the past, what forced these changes, and what effect these changes have on such things as climate and greenhouse gasses. The tools for investigating ocean circulation changes such as proxies (e.g. 18O,13C, Cd, Mg, Nd, Sr, Pa/Th, sortable silt, 14C, etc.) and computer models will be examined.

Learning Outcomes

 On completion of the course GEOV331 the student should have:

- State-of-the-art understanding of the theoretical and empirical constraints on past ocean circulation.

- Understanding of the proxies used to reconstructing ocean chemistry and circulation and the errors attached to each method.

- Ability to read and critically assess scientific literature.

- Applied understanding of the scientific method and hypothesis testing.

- Experience in oral presentation, scientific writing, and discussion.

Required Previous Knowledge


Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Seminars with presentations and discussions. Write an imaginary project application.


Forms of Assessment

Participate in the compulsory activities


Grading Scale

Passed / failed.  

Contact Information

Student Adviser, Department of Earth Science, E-mail: