Courses: GEOV225 Field Course in Quarternary Geology and Palaeoclimatology - Autumn 2017

Objectives and Content

The object of the course is that the student should be able to carry out an independent Quaternary field investigation, produce a Quaternary geology map and write a report from the field investigations. Different themes from the course literature are presented by the students in a seminar before departure. During the field course, an introduction to Quaternary field methods and mapping techniques is given. The first and last part of the field course consists of an excursion to field sites in Nordfjord, Gudbrandsdalen and Ă˜sterdalen. At some sites, the students carry out individual investigations. Students write individual field reports that are used to update the thematic group reports. During the mapping part (3 full days) the students are divided into smaller groups that produce Quaternary geological maps over selected areas. Quaternary deposits are described and their genesis and development are discussed and interpreted. The mapping part forms the basis for a group report that is submitted at the end of the field course. The group report forms, together with the thematic report, the basis for the grading of the students.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course GEOV225 the student should be able to:

- Take field notes

- Make individual field observations, handle and report field data and justify reasonable interpretations

- Describe and interpret Quaternary deposits both morphologically and stratigraphically

- Produce a Quaternary geological map after a given standard

- Write a Quaternary geological report based on field investigations

- Carry out an independent Quaternary and/or palaeoclimatological field investigation

Grading Scale

Passed / failed. Â