Programmes: MAMN-HAVSJ Integrated Master's Programme in Aquaculture

Connected to courses (in 2024):

Courses Periodical evaluation - course (every 3 years)
BIF100 Introduction to Aquatic Medicine and Aquaculture
BIF101 Organismal Biology in Aquatic Medicine and Aquaculture
BIF200 Aquaculture Technology
BIO100 Introduction to Evolution and Ecology
BIO205 Regulations, Management and Practical Training in Aquaculture
BIO207 Seafood Microbiology
BIO208 Environmental Impact of Aquaculture
BIO213 Marine ecology, environment, and resources
BIO280 Fish Biology I - Systematics and Anatomy
BIO291 Fish Biology II - Physiology
BIO300A Academic Writing
BIO300B Biostatistics
BIO382 Aquatic Food Production
INF100 Introduction to programming
INNOV201 Innovation by Design Thinking
KJEM109 Basic Chemistry
LAS301 Animal Science Course
LAS303 Fish Science Course
MAT102 Elementary Calculus II
PHYS101 Basic Course in Mechanics and Thermodynamics
STAT110 Basic Course in Statistics

Active from 2015

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