Courses: TYS116 German Literature - Spring 2024

Level of Study


Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Place of Instruction


Objectives and Content

The course gives a general introduction to the history of the German-language literature from approx. 1750 until today, based on a selection of literary works or excerpts of relevant works (epic, drama and poetry).

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the course, the student is expected to:


- have basic knowledge of epochs and trends in the German-language literary history from the romantic period up to the present

- be able to acquire an understanding of and work independently with central German-language fiction works from approx. 1750 and until today


- read and acquire an understanding of central German-language fiction works from various epochs from approx. 1750 and until today

- be able to place central works in a cultural and literary historical context

- be able to explain the special features and developmental trends in German-language literature and literary history

General competence

- be equipped to independently develop his/her knowledge and insight into German-language literature and literary history

- be capable of continuing his/her German study at the 200 level

Required Previous Knowledge

No formal requirements; nevertheless, all teaching takes place in German and requires good proficiency in German.

Recommended Previous Knowledge

Proficiency in German at least equivalent to that of those having completed the course TYS106 or TYS626.

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap

Due to certain academic overlaps, the credits awarded for taking TYS116 are reduced by 10 ECTS if the course is combined with TYS114, TYS114-F or TYS636.

Access to the Course

The course is open to all students admitted to the University of Bergen.

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching is conducted in the form of lectures, and possibly "preparation packages" (see below). The teaching requires active participation on the part of the students.

The frequency of the teaching in the course will normally be either two two-hour lectures a week or one two-hour lecture and one "preparation package" for self-study a week. All is for a period of 12 weeks.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Students must attend at least 75 % of the lectures. Students must write an assignment of approx. 500-700 words and give one short oral presentaion.

Mandatory assignments are valid for one additional semester following the semester of instruction.

Forms of Assessment

The exam in the course is a seven-day take-home exam of. approx. 1500 words, as well as an oral exam (approx. 20 min).

The oral exam includes a 10 min. presentation, followed by some questions concerning the take-home essay and the curriculum more broadly.

Both exam elements must be completed in the same semester.

One single grade is given for all the elements of the exam, where both parts (oral and written) count 50 % each.

Examination Support Material

Not relevant

Grading Scale

The grading scale is A-F, where F is a fail.

Assessment Semester

Autumn. Students with valid approvals on their mandatory assignments may also be assessed early in the spring semester.

Reading List

The curriculum includes a selection of literary works, a short introduction to literary history starting from the 18th century till today.

The reading list will be ready by 1 Jul for the fall semester, and 1 Dec for the spring semester.

Course Evaluation

Evaluation of the course is carried out in accordance with the University of Bergen quality assurance system.

Programme Committee

The program committee is responsible for the academic content and structure of the study program, and for the quality of all the subjects therein.

Course Coordinator

The Program Board for German Studies.

Course Administrator

The Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Humanities has the administrative responsibility for the course and the study program.

Contact Information

Student councilor:

Exam administration: