Courses: OD1ORBI Oral Biology part 1 - Autumn 2024

Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Objectives and Content

Oral biology consists of the following thematic areas:

Detailed knowledge about teeth and the chewing organ is a fundamental element in teaching in many clinical subjects and it provides students with the background required to interpret X-ray findings, correctly design fillings and prosthetic replacements and recognise teeth with normal and atypical anatomy.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course, the student should be able to:




Access to the Course

Master of Dentistry

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching takes the form of lectures and practical courses in dental anatomy (approx. 45 hours in total) at which students work in groups on identifying teeth. The students keep course records that are submitted and corrected.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Practical course is mandatory.

Forms of Assessment

1 hour test in the identification of teeth.

Part 1 of the course must be approved before the student can take part 2.

For the test in the identification of teeth, two continuous tests will be arranged shortly for students without valid results. Students who have not achieved valid results after three attempts will be moved to lower classes. The three attempts that belong to each implementation of the subject are counted as one assessment attempt in accordance with UiB´s regulations on studies §8-1 (1).

Grading Scale


Course Evaluation

Written evaluation using electronic/digital evaluation tool.

Contact Information

Department of Biomedicine

Course coordinator: Päivi Kettunen,