Courses: MED8 Eighth Semester Medicine - Spring 2024



Language of Instruction


Teaching semester

Autumn and spring

Place of Instruction

Bergen and Førde/Haugesund/Stavanger

Objectives and Content

First teaching semester for this course is spring 2017.

The semester is divided into two parts:

1. Theoretical and practical teaching in Bergen (9 weeks) in the following subject areas:

  1. Plastic surgery and minor surgery
  2. Kidneys/urinary tracts, part 2
  3. Endocrinology, part 2
  4. Blood, part 2
  5. Dermis

There will also be a course in medication prescriptions.

2. Practical skills training at collaborating hospitals in Western Norway (8 weeks) with emphasis on internal medicine, surgery, radiology and anesthesia.

The purpose of the practical training period in Førde/Haugesund/Stavanger is that the students should learn through bedside clinical practice and instructions. The students will be trained in communicating with patients and next of kin, clinical examination, judgement of symptoms and clinical findings, diagnostic considerations and at planning further examinations and treatment. Most of the learning will happen by taking active part in the daily routines at the hospital.

The last week of the semester is set aside for the oral exam.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the 8th semester the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


On completion of the semester the student has:


On completion of the semester the student is able to:

General competence

On completion of the semester the student is able to:

Required Previous Knowledge

Normal study progression

Access to the Course

Cand. med.-degree programme

Teaching and learning methods

The course will include varied teaching methods such as lectures, team-based learning (TBL), clinical teaching with a patient, smaller clinical groups and practical courses. Students take part in common clinical practice at the collaborating hospitals and in Bergen.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

It is compulsory to attend all teaching with a patient, group teaching and practical courses. Participation at TBL is also compulsory.

Practical training at a collaborating hospital in Førde, Haugesund or Stavanger is part of the compulsory teaching, and is an important part of the bedside teaching.

Student service cards will be used in all compulsory activity at the different hospitals and also during the first part of the semester in Bergen.

Forms of Assessment

Digital written exam that lasts for 5 hours and consists mainly of MCQs and some brief statement questions. The ECTS credit points decide how many questions within each subject areas of the semester.

Oral exam: ca. 1/2 of the class will be randomly selected to take the oral exam. It is a 30 minutes exam with patient/case in one of the subject areas of the semester.

A collective grade is given for the semester, where the written exam accounts for 75% and the oral exam accounts for 25%.

After the prescription course, students must take an MCQ-test, in addition to doing exercises where they will write prescriptions based on given cases.

Compulsory assignments during the semester must be approved in order to take the written and oral exam.

Examination Support Material

Grading Scale

A - F

Assessment Semester

Autumn and spring

Reading List

The syllabus will be available by 1 July for the autumn semester and 1 January for the spring semester.

Course Evaluation

The course will be evaluated by the end of each semester.

Contact Information

Study coordinator: Kristine Vinje Haukaas