Courses: MED12 Twelfth Semester Medicine - Spring 2024



ECTS Credits

27 ECTS credits

Level of Study


Language of Instruction


Teaching semester

Spring and autumn

Objectives and Content

In this semester, the emphasis is that the students will integrate knowledge from all disciplines and subject areas from the previous semesters. The students will be able to investigate and treat the most common illnesses and the most important urgent medical conditions. Based on previously aqquired knowledge, skills and attitudes, the students will be able to independently perform a clinical examination, plan further medical inquiries and plan treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation.

The student will master first aid when facing life-threatening conditions and serious injuries. The students will be able to plan and implement preventive measures, make ethical assessments when facing complex issues, and cooperate across the health service and with other professions for the benefit of patients.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes, defined by knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate knows / is able to:

1) on the basis of anamnesis and clinical examination, select relevant tests and examination techniques

2) principles for disseminating clinical information to patients and next of kin

3) be familiar with routines of practical, clinical work and relevant use of IT

4) have insight into the fact that it may be a psychic strain for patients / next of kin if they must make decisions based on a potentially weak foundation of information

5) principles for sharing negative information with seriously ill patients, and their next of kin

6) the significance of empathy and to appreciate the psychosocial situation of the patients / next of kin when facing demanding clinical situations

7) suggest treatment, and justify the choice of different medical and surgical treatments, with subsequent follow-up

8) the principles of medicinal interactions and side-effects

9) the accompanying risk of surgical procedures

10) principles of proper communication and cooperation between different departments within an organization and between different parts of the health service


The candidates knows / is able to:

1) perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in accordance with the clinical skills list

2) manage serious emergencies in a systematic fashion

3) provide appropriate information to patients before, during and after treatment

4) apply the principles of dissemination of clinical information to patients/next of kin

5) predict and prepare for communicative challenges when meeting patients and next of kin

6) rely on colleagues for the processing of demanding clinical experiences

7) understand the complexity of common medical conditions

8) develop skills of better cooperation and communication within their own profession, between different professions and between health professionals and different parts of the health service

9) develop skills relating to cross-professional teamwork in the treatment of acutely ill / seriously ill patients

10) understand the demands that society sets for doctors, and keep a professional manner (personally, ethically and legally) when facing suspicion of error

11) know when one is in need of renewed, professional knowledge and how to aqquire it

12) apply principles of sound communication between different departments within an organization and between the levels of the health service

13) work goal-oriented with patient safety and improvement of quality

General competence

The candidate knows / is able to:

1) perform a complete and independent examination of any patient (medical history and clinical examination) and systemize the patient information

2) understand the significance and use of the terms sensitivity, specificity and predictive values in diagnostics

3) make ethical assessments, including cost/benefit assessment, on and individual and societal level, when performing diagnostics and making differential diagnoses

4) assess patients with a complex clinical condition with regards to prioritizing individual components in relation to further diagnostics and treatment

5) understand the significance of connections between different parts of the larger clinical situation, also in communication with the patient/next of kin

6) provide first aid to patients with life-threatening illnesses and/or injuries

7) prioritize between different offers of treatment

8) know important contraindications, side-effects and interactions in common forms of treatment

Required Previous Knowledge

Completed MED11

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap

Access to the Course

Cand.Med-degree Programme

Teaching and learning methods

In the semester, a variety of teaching methods that stimulates student-active teaching will be utilized; lectures, team-based learning (TBL), case-based learning, mini-lectures, practical training excercises, clinical group work and other clinical teaching.

The teaching activities are organized partly as common activities, partly as group-based sessions. The teaching is organized in the form of daily sessions, where each session is organized by at least two disciplines. A week in the semester is reserved for the disaster medicine course.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Disaster medicine course, must be approved.

Forms of Assessment

The final assessment consists of three elements that constitutes a whole, and will test knowledge, skills and general competence which the student possesses upon completion of their medical education.

Clinical station exam, OSCE (OSCE - Objective structured clinical examination)

The form of assessment is a station-based exam, where the students are tested in practical procedures, examination technique, laboratory test, consultation and communication skills and other elements which may not be assessed through written assignments.

Digital, written exam (6 hours), which will test the students' knowledge and clinical reasoning and reflection, as well as integration between different disciplines and subject areas.

Joint, concluding, written by-exam in medicine, which tests knowledge and clinical reasoning through assignments in the format of MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) (4 hours).

Grading is cumulative, where the written exam has a weight of 60 percent and OSCE 40 percent. The joint by-exam is graded as pass/fail, and must be passed in ordert to pass the course.

Examination Support Material

Simple calculator, model is subject to determined by UiB.

Grading Scale


Assessment Semester

Autumn and spring

Reading List

The reading list will be available by July 1st for the autumn semester and December 1st for the spring semester

Course Evaluation

In the study plan "Medisin 2015" the courses will be evaluated by the use of reference groups in combination with written evaluation.

Programme Committee

Programme Committee for Medicine

Course Administrator

Department of Clinical Science

Contact Information