Programmes: MAMN-INF Master's Programme in Informatics - Spring 2024

Name of qualification

Master of Science in Informatics

ECTS Credits

Two years of full-time study, where the normal workload for a full-time student is 60 credits for one academic year.



Language of Instruction




Objectives and content

The candidates who have completed their study shall have substantial founded knowledge and skills in informatics. They shall have obtained a thorough introduction to scientific work methods and training in self-contained work doing extensive and demanding technical tasks. They will have developed special skills within a research field, and a good overview of other research fields.

Within the master program in informatics the candidates are admitted to one of the follwing specializations:

For more information regarding learning outcomes and objectives and content, see each specialization.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate


The candidate

General competence

The candidate

Admission Requirements

Specific admission requirements for the specializations

The Master Programme in informatics has seven specializations with specific admission requirements.

For international self-financing applicants:

The Master Programme is not available for international applicants residing outside of the Nordic countries, the European Union/EEA and Switzerland.

You also need to document:

Compulsory units

The master's programme consists of two components: Coursework of 60 credits and an individual research project (master's thesis) of 60 credits.

Courses: The course INF234 is compulsory. The rest of the courses must be on the 200- or 300 level, and depends on specialization and subject for the thesis. The courses are selected in cooperation with the supervisor.

Master's thesis: INF399 Master's thesis in Informatics of 60 credits, the student may, in consultation with the supervisor choose to write a thesis of 30 credits and expanding the amount of coursework correspondingly. The Master's thesis must be submitted within a deadline at the end of the fourth semester, 20 November or 1 June

Recommended electives

Depends on specialization

Sequential Requirements, courses

Depends on specialization

Study period abroad

You can plan study periods abroad in consultation with your supervisor as a part of the master agreement.

Teaching and learning methods

A combination of teaching methods is used in the various courses, mainly lectures and exercise classes. You may find more information in the course description.

The master thesis is an independent scientific work supervised by an academic.

Teaching methods

A combination of teaching methods is used in the various courses, mainly lectures and exercise classes. You may find more information in the course description.

The master thesis is an independent scientific work supervised by an academic.

Assessment methods

The main assessment methods are written and oral examination. The assessment methods for each course are described in the course description.

The final step in the program is a presentation of the master thesis combined with an oral examination, after the master thesis has been submitted, evaluated and approved.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.

The master's thesis will be graded A to F.

The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.

Access to further studies

To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral education (PhD) the candidate must have completed a master's degree.

To qualify for the Doctoral education (PhD) at UiB the average grade for the master's thesis, the Master's degree and the bachelor's degree should be at least C.

In order to get enrolled you have to be granted a fellowship for doctoral training.


ICT is increasingly becoming fundamental in all business and management. Our candidates are highly sought after to maintain and develop IT systems, many get jobs in the IT industry or in research and higher education.


The programme will be evaluated according to the quality assurance system of the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, the structure and the quality of the programme.

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by the Department of Informatics, holds the administrative responsibility for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact the student adviser for the programme if you have any questions:

Phone: + 47 55 58 42 00

Objectives / Contents

The candidates who have completed their study shall have substantial founded knowledge and skills in informatics. They shall have obtained a thorough introduction to scientific work methods and training in self-contained work doing extensive and demanding technical tasks. They will have developed special skills within a research field, and a good overview of other research fields.

Within the master program in informatics the candidates can choose among the following specializations:
- Algorithm Theory
- Software Engineering
- Coding Theory and Cryptography
- Optimization
- Program Development Theory
- Bioinformatics

Admission requirements

A first degree (bachelor´s degree) of three or four years´ duration from an approved institution of higher education, as well as proficiency in the English language.


Your bachelor´s degree must include courses equalling 20 ECTS of mathematics and 60 ECTS (1 academic year) of informatics. The study program has a limited number of places, and the intake will be done on basis of marks.


In preparing your master´s thesis you will independently use methods and scientific working techniques from the subject field to research a relevant topic. In some cases, analyses of observation data and data from models are very important in addition to theoretical and experimental studies.


The master´s thesis is research-based work. This requires that you have obtained substantial knowledge within the research field. At the moment the department has 6 research groups within the following research fields: Algorithm Theory, Visualisation, Bioinformatics, Coding Theory and Cryptography, Optimisation and Program Development Theory.

It is also possible to do a master´s thesis in cooperation with the Bergen University College in Software Engineering. At this programme a thesis with an extent of 30 study points is also possible; the syllabus is then increased by 30 study points. Admission to the master´s programme does not guarantee that you will obtain a topic in the specialisation of your own choice.

Programme structure

A master´s programme in informatics consists of an individual research project (master´s thesis) of 60 ECTS credits, and courses or special topics of 60 ECTS credits. Some of the courses are compulsory within the specialisations. The other courses will be chosen in agreement with the academic supervisor.

Professional Prospects

Information- and communication technology is more and more becoming a basic technology in all kinds of business activity and administration, and our candidates are strongly demanded to maintain and develop IT-systems. Many of the candidates also get employed by the IT-industry or within research and higher education.

Start-up Date

Autumn and spring

Program Coordinator

The study program committee at informatics.

Administrative Responsibility (department/centre and person)

Student adviser at Department of Informatics

Study Plan

The study program consists of two components; Courses and master degree thesis. The total workload shall constitute 120 study points (ECTS).

The courses:
The course INF 234 Algorithms is compulsory. The remaining courses shall be of 200- or 300-level. Courses and possibly special reading have to be selected in consultation with supervisor to make a good foundation of the work with the master thesis.

The master thesis:
The master thesis shall be a research-based work. This requires that the student has obtained substantial knowledge within the research field. At the moment the department has 6 research groups within the following research fields: Algorithm Theory, Software Engineering, Coding Theory and Cryptography, Optimization, Program Development Theory and Bioinformatics: It is also possible to do a master thesis outside one of these research areas, possibly with guidance outside the department.

During the 1st semester the student shall have obtained a supervisor. Together with the supervisor the student shall define a subject for the thesis and make a schedule with an outline of courses and milestones in the work with the thesis. The main setup of master thesis is a long project with workload equivalent to 60 study points, but there will also be given opportunities for a short project equivalent to 30 study points. The long project has to be delivered within the end of the two years the master study lasts. The short project shall be done in the last semester and has to be delivered six months after start.

Recommended progress for the different specializations:

Algorithm Theory:
1. INF 234 INF 210/optional MAT221/Optional
2. INF 235 INF236/optional Project/optional
3. INF 334 Project/optional Project/optional
4. Project Project Project

Software Engineering:
1. INF 234 MOD250 MOD251
2. MOD252 Optional Project/optional
3. Optional Project/optional Project/optional
4. Project Project Project

Coding Theory and Cryptography:
1. INF 234 INF 240 INF 243/244
2. INF 247 Optional Project
3. INF 243/244/248 Project Project
4. Project Project Project

1. INF 234 INF 270 MAT 261
2. INF 371/235 INF 372/235 Project
3. Optional Project Project
4. Project Project Project

Program Development Theory
1. INF 234 INF 220 INF 210/225/226
2. INF 227 INF 223 Project
3. INF 329 Project Project
4. Project Project Project

1. INF234 INF280 MOL301
2. INF380 + two of: INF381, STAT200, MOL305
3. Project Project Project
4. Project Project Project