Programmes: MAMN-HTEK Master's Programme in Ocean Technology - Autumn 2024

Name of qualification

ECTS Credits



Language of Instruction

Norwegian and English


The masterprogramme is terminated and will have no further admissions.

Objectives and content

Exploration, mapping and monitoring of marine environment and resources are based on marine measurement systems and marine installations. These hav a fundamental importance for the development of fisheries and aquaculture, for the monitoring of marine environment (ocean currents, biomass, ecosystem, seabed topography and seabed properties), climate (ocean temperature and ice mass in the far north), renewable energy (wave and offshore wind), the Royal Norwegian Navy (active and passive monitoring techniques), for the petroleum industry, as well as exploration of new mineral and biological resources in the deep ocean.

The study program aims to provide students with advanced knowledge of core topics in ocean technology with particular focus on marine measurement systems and marine installations. The program is designed so that the students will develop the ability to understand existing ocean technology while focusing on possibilities for further development of ocean technology. Innovation is emphasized.

The academic profile of the program is based on applied physics and technology with key topics such as marine acoustics and optics, measurement technology and instrumentation as well as marine constructions. The value creation in the Norwegian marine industry is growing strongly and is an important foundation for further economic growth and development in Norwegian in the years ahead. To ensure a good and forward-looking technological development the marine industry need employees with advanced knowledge of core topics in ocean technology, which is the core of this study program.

The study program in ocean technology has focus on "Marin measurement systems" and "Marine installations" with specialized courses in acoustics / optics / measurement technology and comstruction.

The specialization "Marin measurement systems" contains courses in measurement technology and a further specialization in instrumentation acoustics or optics. In addition, there are elective courses adapted to the thesis project.

The specialization "Marine installations" contains courses in materials for subsea technology or in marine technical analysis, experimental methods and modelling as well as measurement technology. In additionm there are elective courses adapted to the thesis project. The work methods are lectures, seminars and laboratory work, in addition to a supervised research project in the form of a thesis. The program consists of courses at the University if Bergen and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the study programme the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate:


The candidate:

General competence

The candidate:

Admission Requirements

The admission requirement is a Bachelor's degree in physics or engineering, please refer to ¿additional requirements¿ for relevant subject areas. The minimum academic requirement is an average grade of C or higher in the Bachelor's degree.

In case there are more applicants for the programme than there are places available, applicants will be rated according to the grades presented in the admission papers.

The following additional requirements apply:

For admission to the specialization "Marine measurement systems":
¿ A background in physics or electrical engineering.

In addition, applicants with a background in engineering, need to have completed approved courses in:
¿ Basic measurement science / instrumentation (10 ECTS)
¿ Basic signal processing (10 ECTS) or robotics (10 ECTS)
¿ Programming (10 ECTS)
¿ Mathematics (30 ECTS)

In addition, applicants with a background in physics, need to have completed the following courses (or equivalent) as part of the Bachelor¿s degree:
¿ Mathematics (30 ECTS). The course "MAT212: Functions of several variables" or equivalent has to be included in thede 30 ECTS
¿ PHYS116: Signal and System Analysis
¿ PHYS264: Atmospheric and Marine Optics or
¿ PHYS271: Acoustics

For admission to the specialization "Marine installations":
¿ A background in mechanical or marine engineering.
In addition, applicants need to have completed approved courses in:
¿ Thermodynamics (10 ECTS)
¿ Materials science (10 ECTS)
¿ Mathematics (30 ECTS)

According to Forskrift om opptak til Universitetet i Bergen, chapter 4, §4-1, section 2 and 3, the following quotas apply for admission to the Master¿s Programme in Ocean Technology:

1) The places are to be evenly distributed between the two specializations. This implies that 50% of the places are allocated to to applicants who are eligible for admission to the specialization "Marine measurement systems" and 50% of the places are allocated to applicants who are qualified for the specialization "Marine installations".

If there are not enough qualified applicants to fill the places on one of specializations, the places can be redeployed to the other specializations according to academic assessment and depending on available supervisor capacity.

2) A maximum of two places are reserved for applicants with a Bachelor's degree from the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, which also has a recommendation and a grant from Forsvaret. This must be documented. Applicants must also satisfy both the general and the specific admission requirements.

If there are more than two applicants for these places, the applicants are ranked according to the grades presented in the admission papers. If there are no qualified applicants for these places, they will be released and can be used for ordinary applicants.

Compulsory units

The Master¿s programme consists of two components: coursework of 60 credits and an individual research project (Master¿s thesis) of 60 credits.

The specialization in «Marine measurement systems»:

The specializations has a further sub-specialization in instrumentation, acoustics or optics. All courses listed in the structure of the program for the given sub-specialization are compulsory. Elective courses are chosen in agreement with the academic supervisor. In the case that a student has already taken any of the compulsory courses, these will be replaced by courses chosen in agreement with academic supervisor.

The specialization in «Marine installations»:

The specializations does not have further sub-specializations. All courses listed in the structure of the program are compulsory. Elective courses are chosen in agreement with the academic supervisor. In the case that a student has already taken any of the compulsory courses, these will be replaced by courses chosen in agreement with academic supervisor.

The structure of the programme is shown below for the different specializations and sub-specializations.

Courseplan in «Marine measurement systems, specialization instrumentation"
4th semester (spring): HTEK399 (master's thesis)
3rd semester (autumn): HTEK399 (master's thesis)
2nd semester (spring): HTEK202, MAS116*, elective course
1st semester (autumn): HTEK201, HTEK301, ELE115*

*At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL).

Courseplan in «Marine measurement systems, specialization in acoustics"
4th semester (spring): HTEK399 (master's thesis)
3rd semester (autumn): HTEK399, HTEK399, PHYS273

2nd semester (spring): HTEK399, HTEK202, PHYS271
1st semester (autumn): HTEK201, PHYS272, elective course

Courseplan in «Marine measure systems, specialization in optics"
4th semester (spring): HTEK399 (master's thesis)
3rd semester (autumn): HTEK399 (master's thesis)
2nd semester (spring): MAS116*, elective course, elective course
1st semester (autumn): PHYS263, HTEK301, PHYS205

*At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL).

Courseplan in «Marine installations»:

4th semester (spring): HTEK399 (master's thesis) (30 ECTS)
3rd semester (autumn): HTEK399 (master's thesis) (30 ECTS)
2nd semester (spring): HTEK202 (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS)
1st semester (autumn): HTEK201 (10 ECTS) - MAS304* (5 ECTS) -MAS305* (5 ECTS) - one of following courses (MOM252*, MAS121*, MAS307*, MAS312*)
*At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL).

Master's thesis: HTEK399 Master's Thesis in Ocean Technology has a work load of 60 credits. The Master's thesis must be submitted within a deadline at the end of the 4th semester, 20 November or 1 June.

Please note the following for the specialization in marine installations:

Recommended electives

The extent of compulsory and elective courses varies slightly between different specializations and sub-specializations. Elective courses are to be chosen in agreement with the academic supervisor.

Please contact academic supervisor or student advisor regarding recommended electives.

UoB-courses that are to be included in the degree, have to ba at 200- or 300-level.

HVL-courses that are to be incuded, have to be classified as "tekniske spesialiseringsemne" or be at an equivalent lever. The availability of HVL-courses is limited.

Sequential Requirements, courses

The recommended sequence of the courses in the programme can be found under the heading "Compulsory units".

Stipulations regarding progress

The master study has a duration of 2 years. The master thesis is to be handed in by a fixed deadline, normally 1 June or 20 November.

Study period abroad

It is possible for the students to take parts of the study abroad.

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching methods used in the various courses includes: lectures, seminars/ colloquium, group projects, laboratory exercises, exercise problem reviews

The Master¿s thesis is scientific work carried out independently and conducted under scientific supervision.

Teaching methods

The teaching methods used in the various courses includes: lectures, seminars/ colloquium, group projects, laboratory exercises, exercise problem reviews


The Master¿s thesis is an independently scientific work conducted under scientific supervision.

Assessment methods

The assessment methods used in the study program includes: written exam, oral exam, oral project presentation, midterm exam, multiple-choice exam, term paper and laboratory journals.
The final step in the study program is the individual oral Master's thesis examination which is held when the Master's thesis has been submitted, evaluated and approved.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.
The master's thesis will be graded A to F.
The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.

Access to further studies

To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral education (PhD) the candidate must have completed a master's degree.
To qualify for the Doctoral education (PhD) at UiB the average grade for the master's thesis, the Master's degree and the bachelor's degree should be at least C.
In order to get enrolled you have to be granted a fellowship for doctoral training.


The value creation in the marine sector in Norway is growing strongly and is central to the overall economic development in the years ahead. The marine sector includes technology companies developing and manufacturing marine sensors and marine observation platforms. It includes subsea companies using remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles (ROVs / AUVs) for inspection and maintenance of subsea installations. It includes fishing industry basing its harvesting of marine resources on the use of acoustic sensors, and the aquaculture industry which employs marine sensor technologies for monitoring of production and the environment. In addition there are a number of research and development institutions and central government institutions in Bergen with focus on marine activities. University of Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Science, The Norwegian Navy, The Institute of Marine Research, and NORCE all make use of advanced marine technology. An education in ocean technology qualifies for a technology position in broad specter of companies and research establishments within marine related business and research. In addition a Master's degree in ocean technology qualifies for Ph.D. studies, which will give opportunities to work as a scientific researcher.


The master programme is continuously evaluated according to the guidelines for quality assurance at the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The Programme Board has responsibility for scientific and technical content, structure of the programme as well as the quality of the study programme.

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics and Technology, holds the administrative responsibility for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact the student adviser for the program if you have any questions: