Courses: KJEM109 Basic Chemistry - Autumn 2024

Language of Instruction


Teaching semester

Spring semester.

Objectives and Content

The course aims to introduce the student to Chemistry and how it can be applied to describe substances and processes in nature and how this knowledge can be applied in scientific problem solving. The course should give the student an understanding of the building blocks and properties of chemical substances, and how they are involved in different types of chemical reactions.

Important topics are chemical equilibrium, state functions, energy, entropy, the properties of solutions and states of matter, kinetics and properties of acids and bases. The course contains a laboratory course that illustrates parts of the theoretical curriculum, and provides experience in experimental work and how to report the results.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student


The student

General competence

The student

Recommended Previous Knowledge

MAT101 (can be studied contemporaneously)

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap

K101: 7 ECTS