Courses: HELVIT300 Theory and ethics of Science - Autumn 2024



Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Objectives and Content

1. To provide an introduction to the philosophy of science and research ethics.

2. To provide an introduction to scientific reasoning, to basic science dilemmas and to scientific approaches with particular relevance for the different study tracks.

Learning Outcomes


The student should be able to account for:


The student should be able to:

Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap

HELVIT300 has full overlap with HELSAM302 (5sp).

Access to the Course

Integrated Master in Pharmacy, Master in Biomedicine

Teaching and learning methods

The course is devided over three weeks, where there is a gap between week tow and three.


Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Min. 80% attendance on lectures and seminars, and active participation in group.

Forms of Assessment

Essay and reflection note e (regarding the writing of the essay)

A maximum of 3 students can write an essay together (each person's contribution will then have to be accounted for in the reflection note)

Grading Scale

Pass / Fail

Assessment Semester


Reading List

A reading list will be found on Mitt UiB

Course Evaluation

Written evaluation.

Programme Committee

Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine

Course Coordinator

Professor Kristine Bærøe

Course Administrator

Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

Contact Information

Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care


Course coordinator:

Kristine Bærøeærøe