Courses: FYST333B Musculoskeletal Disorders - long-lasting conditions - Autumn 2017

Language of Instruction


Teaching semester


Objectives and Content


The aim of the course is to give the student thorough knowledge and understanding of long-lasting musculoskeletal disorders, individual complaints and its clinical consequences and complex causal relationships. Current management is outlined in scientific, professional and community perspectives.


The current scientific platform for physiotherapeutic methods of assessment and treatment will be addressed. The scientific literature of physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal disorders will be critically analyzed in an evidence-based perspective and related to other common treatments. The competence and boundaries associated with the physiotherapist role in musculoskeletal pain management will be discussed in the perspectives of interdisciplinary and autonomous settings.

Learning Outcomes


After completing the course, the students will:

- have specialized knowledge about common musculoskeletal disorders and their management

- be able to explain complex causalities (physical, psychological and social), pain, prevalence, development and manifestations of musculoskeletal disorders

- have thorough knowledge about the evidence-based model for evaluating quality of the scientific literature regarding examinations and treatments used by physiotherapists

- be able to use their knowledge in new professional contexts

- have knowledge about how to implement research findings in clinical practice, and limitations regarding the transfer of group-level research results into clinical reasoning at the individual level


After completing the course, the students will:

- be able to analyze scientific studies examining the effect of physiotherapy interventions in common musculoskeletal disorders

- be able to critically review the sources of information on musculoskeletal treatment effects and how they may be affected by confounding factors like professional preferences and financial conflicts of interest

- understand and handle terms of health and illness related to muscle- and skeletal conditions, and cultural aspects related to bodily habits and habits in work

General skills

After completing the course, the students should be able to:

- assess the quality and power of scientific evidence behind any treatment for musculoskeletal disorders

- evaluate and discuss physiotherapy relevance against other approaches and treatments in areas of musculoskeletal disorders management.

- identify gaps in the scientific literature where more knowledge is needed

Required Previous Knowledge

Clinical health-related bachelor education

Access to the Course

Postgraduate Courses

Teaching Methods and Extent of Organized Teaching

Lectures, written assignment.

Literature read in advance (xx pages)

One assembly of 3 days, about 20 hours in total

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Assignment must be completed

Min. 80% attendance on lectures, and active participation in group work.

Forms of Assessment

One written assignment

Internal and external examiner

Grading Scale

Grading scale A-F

Contact Information

Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care



Course coordinator: Liv Inger Strand