Courses: ENERGI399I Master's Thesis in Energy - Spring 2024



ECTS Credits


Level of Study

Language of Instruction


Teaching semester

Autumn and spring

Objectives and Content

Dette emnet gir studenten formell opplæring i å implementere sjølvstendig forsking innanfor eit spesialisert forskingsområde, ved bruk av eksperimentelle og/eller teoretiske, numeriske og andre eigna metodar. Gjennom dette studiet skal evna studenten har til kritisk tenking, og ferdigheiter i bruk av vitskapleg metode, og dessutan skriftlege og munnlege kommunikasjonsevner bli utvikla. Studentane blir oppmoda til aktivt å utvikla temaet til oppgåva i dialog med rettleiar(ar). Alternativt kan temaet for masteroppgåva blir vald frå ei liste foreslått for kvar studiespesialisering, eller frå relevante eksterne institusjonar.

Learning Outcomes

On the completion of the course the student should have following learning outcomes defined in knowledge, skills and general competence:



The student



The student


General competence

The student

Required Previous Knowledge

Student at the integrated master's programme in Energy


Access to the Course

Access to the course requires admission to the Integrated master's programme in Energy at the Geophysical Institute at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Teaching and learning methods

Students perform guided/supervised scientific research work on the selected theme, documented in a written master's thesis. Students participate in regular master seminar meetings where they present progress reports to other students.

Forms of Assessment

The master's programme is finalized by an oral master's degree examination after the thesis has been submitted and approved. This exam consists of a public presentation of about 30 minutes, where the student gives an overview of the thesis. Examiner, supervisor(s) and internal examiner(s) should normally be present at the public presentation.

A non-public oral examination/ conversation about the thesis should follow the presentation. The thesis should have a tentative grade based on an evaluation form filled in by the examiners before the presentation. The presentation, along with the oral examination/ conversation, may adjust the grading of the thesis. Only the final grade is made known to the student and is shown on their grade transcript.

The thesis must be submitted no later than 10. semester.

Grading Scale

The grading scale used is A to F.

Assessment Semester

There will be an ordinary assessment each semester.


Contact Information

Student advisor at Geophysical Institute: