Programmes: BASV-KOGNI Bachelor's Programme in Cognitive Science - Spring 2024

Name of qualification

The bachelor's program in cognitive science leads to the degree of bachelor in cognitive science.

ECTS Credits

The program is three years (180 credits).

Language of Instruction

Norwegian and English



Objectives and content

Cognitive science is a field that studies intelligent systems, how they are structured, how the different parts of such systems work, and how the parts interact to produce what we normally call thinking. Typical topics we look at are knowledge representation, reasoning, memory, language, perception and emotions. Psychology is of course an important part of this, but equally important are the artificially intelligent systems implemented on computers. The computer gives us the opportunity to shape models of the various aspects of intelligence and simulate these in order to gain a better understanding of what intelligence might be.

Cognitive science is interdisciplinary and incorporates elements from computer science, information science, linguistics, psychology and philosophy. These sciences have their own perspectives on the phenomena one studies in cognitive science and make various contributions to their understanding. Central to the subject are logic, linguistics, cognitive psychology and philosophy of mind. Knowledge of computer programming is important both as a method and from a theoretical perspective. Other important elements and methodological components are covered such as statistics and discrete structures.

In the bachelor's program in cognitive science, you can, among other things, study the following topics:



Text processing and data

Biological and cognitive psychology

Philosophy of mind


Artificial intelligence

Required Learning Outcomes

A candidate with a completed program must have the following total learning outcomes defined in knowledge, skills and general competence:





General competence:


Introductory Courses

INF100 and EXFAC00SK are compulsory introductory courses to obtain a bachelor's degree in cognitive science.

Sequential Requirements, courses

1st semester

2nd semester

3rd semester

4th semester

5th and 6th semester

In the fifth semester, you choose a specialization in computer science, information science or philosophy:

Information science



Optional subject

If you do not want to take one of the three specializations (information science, informatics or philosophy), you can apply to choose another subject in the fifth and sixth semester. Contact the study supervisor if you have questions or need guidance on subject choice.

Study period abroad

There are many alternatives for those who want to take parts of your education in another country. UiB has collaboration agreements with universities, institutions and organizations all over the world.

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching will normally consist of lectures, seminar teaching and teaching / guidance in a computer lab.

Assessment methods

The courses included in the recommended study programs use various combinations of the following forms of examination: written school examination, oral examination, grading assignments and portfolio evaluation.

Grading scale

Courses that are included in the recommended course of study are graded with letter grades (A-F).

Access to further studies

The bachelor's program in cognitive science will qualify you for admission to the master's program in information science (MASV-INFO), informatics (MAMN-INF), philosophy (MAHF-FILO), or joint master's program in program development (MAMN-PROG), depending on what you choose. specialization.

The following course is included in the admission basis for the master's degree in information science:

Curriculum in Cognitive Science from before 2019: KOGVIT101, INF100, INFO102, INFO282, INFO283, 50 credits in information science (cannot be INFO100, or INFO132).

Curriculum in Cognitive Science from 2019 and later: KOGVIT101, INF100, INF101, INFO282, INF122, INFO180, 50 credits in information science (can not be INFO100, or INFO132).

See the study program pages for the master's program for more information on admission requirements.


Through the study of cognitive science, you will acquire both a professionally relevant IT competence and an academic ability for critical analysis and innovation. It gives you double skills that are in great demand in the job market. The program qualifies you for teaching and work in various subjects depending on the specialization you choose in the third year of the program.

The program can also be expanded with a master's program in several fields, which qualifies you for research and teaching within the university and college sector.

In the last part of the study program, you can specialize based on your interests. You can choose to learn information processing and programming, which are sought after in many positions in industry and in the public sector. You can also orientate yourself more towards technological innovations within various artificial intelligence topics, something that will give you skills that are in demand at companies that invest in such technology. Players such as Google, Microsoft, IBM and Apple are today very concerned with artificial intelligence.


All study programs and courses are evaluated in line with UiB's quality system for education.

Administrative responsibility

Department of Information and Media Studies