Programmes: BAPS-AOP Bachelor's programme in work- and organisational psychology - Spring 2024

Name of qualification

Bachelor in work- and organisational psychology

ECTS Credits

The bachelor's programme has a scope of 180 credits and a nominal length of study time of 3 years.



Language of Instruction

The tuition will mainly be conducted in Norwegian. Individual lectures may have English as the language of instruction. Electives may have English as the language of instruction.


Every autumn. Applications to the programme are submitted to the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (SO).

Objectives and content

A bachelor's programme in work- and organisational psychology will provide the student with an in-depth insight into interpersonal relationships and communication in working life, and the significance of good and bad working environments for employees' well-being, and efficiency and productivity within the organisation.


Academic content:

The bachelor's programme in work- and organisational psychology is a 3 year study (180 credits). It will contain an introductory course of up to 30 credits, with 120 credits of specialisation (1 1/2 years course of study) in work- and organisational psychology or an approved subject combination. All or parts of the last 30 credits can be chosen from other subjects. A completed bachelor's programme leads to a Bachelor degree in work- and organisational psychology.


The programme is based on the fact that working life is one of the most important arenas for people of our time. At work we meet others, we develop and realise ourselves as people and provide ourselves with a material basis for existence. During the course of the programme you will be given a basic insight into how individuals react and act in relation to different aspects of organisation and working life, the methods that can be used to develop individuals, groups and organisations, and what can be done to prevent and deal with problems occurring in the workplace.


Emphasis will be placed on communicating knowledge about, and understanding of, key subject areas such as: organisational theory, leadership, psychosocial working environment factors, stress, coping, burnout, job satisfaction, bullying, conflict management, organisational culture, organisational theory, restructuring, recruitment, staff turnover, job insecurity, capacity for work, diversity, psychological contracts, career development, sickness absence and health in working life.

Required Learning Outcomes

A candidate who has completed his or her programme of studies should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:



The candidate...



The candidate...


General competence

The candidate...

Admission Requirements

General university and college admission certification.

To be eligible to apply for admission to the bachelor's programme in work- and organisational psychology, you must have general university and college admission certification, or satisfy the requirements for prior learning and work experience. Apart from this, there are no specific requirements for prior knowledge.

Introductory Courses

The introductory course is comprised of a total of 30 credits, and comprises an introduction to psychology and the history of psychology, ex Phil, and a subject in research methods.


This programme will provide you with an introduction to a different ways of thinking in relation to knowledge and science in general, about subject-specific history and scientific theory, as well as providing an introduction to the subject of psychology.



The introductory courses are the compulsory parts of the degree, but can on application be replaced by other approved introductory course combinations. The introductory course of Examen Philosophicum is taken following the recommended course of study in the fourth semester.


The specialisation in work- and organisational psychology comprises 120 credits and is comprised of the following compulsory subjects:

Recommended electives

Elective courses comprise the last 30 credits of the degree and can in principle be completed with all types of approved higher education that do not overlap what is compulsory for the degree. It is advisable to take subjects within psychology, social sciences, law, information science, economy and humanities.

Sequential Requirements, courses

1st. semester (autumn):


2nd. semester (spring):



3rd. semester (autumn):



4th. semester (spring):



5th. semester (autumn):



6th. semester (spring):



In order to take the course PSYK201 Bachelor's thesis, a pass must be obtained in these courses:


In order to take the course PSYK200 Leadership psychology, a pass must be obtained in these courses:


In order to take the course PSYK210, a pass must be obtained in these courses:

Study period abroad

On the bachelor's programme in work- and organisational psychology, it is expected and recommended that you travel on exchange in your 5th semester, and take 30 elective credits in another country, primarily at the educational institutions with which the Faculty has already established contact. 

Assessment methods

Emphasis will be placed on providing the student with experience of different forms of assessment. The forms of examination will be written (school and home exam) as well as oral hearings and presentations.

Grading scale

The grading scale A - F or passed/not passed is used for examination results of courses included in the programme.

Access to further studies

The programme of study provides a basis for admittance to Master in Work- and Organisational Psychology and Master of Psychology, and can also form the basis for admission to other Master Programmes at the Faculty of Psychology, and at other faculties at the University of Bergen or other Universities/University Colleges.


The programme provides competence in the understanding and development of people, groups and organisations. The programme aims to communicate knowledge of value creation, job satisfaction and health in the workplace, to provide the candidate, in the role of a leader, employee or advisor, with adequate competence to understand, safeguard and develop people within organisations, including preventing stress and resolving conflicts.

Different target groups can use the programme for various vocational and career paths:


The Bachelor's programme is continuously evaluated by the programme examiner, in accordance with the guidelines for quality assurance at UiB. Evaluation of individual courses included in the programme is mentioned in the course descriptions.

Programme committee

Department of Psychosocial Science

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Psychology

Contact information Information Center, Faculty of Psychology