Programmes: BAHF-ENG Bachelor's Programme in English - Spring 2024

Objectives and content

The bachelor-programme in English offers training in the academic study of English Linguistics and English-language Literatures. Students deepen their knowledge of the language system, its development, variation, change and usage, and of central topics, periods and approaches in English literary and cultural studies. Throughout the study programme and across the disciplines, students learn to develop their critical, analytic, linguistic and problem-solving skills by engaging with a broad range of texts and genres and a variety of approaches to reading. Through written assignments and oral presentations, students also enhance their oral and written skills in academic English.

Admission into the programme requires a strong background in oral and written English.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme the students should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


On completion of the programme, graduates are able to


On completion of the programme, graduates are able to

General competence

On completion of the programme, graduates are able to

The above knowledges, skills, and competences are acquired by/through