Programmes: 5MAMN-MTEK Integrated Master's Programme in Medical Technology - Autumn 2024

Name of qualification

Master of Science in Medical Technology

ECTS Credits

Five years of full-time study, where the normal workload for a full-time student is 60 credits for one academic year.



Objectives and content


The master program aims to provide the candidate theoretical and practical knowledge at a high level in medical technology with adequate specialization in chemistry or physics. Based on this knowledge, the candidate should be able to complete a research-based thesis within one of the research groups at the Department of Chemistry, Institute of Physics and Technology, or at laboratories of collaborators outside UiB.

The candidate should be able to make use of established knowledge and take part in an innovative development of the field.

A candidate who conducts master's program will gain experience in presenting their results and theories both orally and in writing, as well as training in obtaining and evaluating relevant scientific literature.


Research areas of the thesis work, includes selected fields of chemistry or physics within medical technology. The departments have a modern instrument park ensures that the experimental work being carried out, are of high quality. The subject combinations that are designated for individual research directions, give the candidate a theoretical and practical specialization in different areas that are used during the thesis.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme, the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate


The candidate

General competence

The candidate

Admission Requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification including specific requirements from upper secondary school (SIVING).

Recommended previous knowledge

Good knowledge at high school level in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Compulsory units

The master's programme consists of two components: Coursework of 240 credits and an individual research project (master's thesis) of 60 credits. The programme has two specializations: chemistry and physics. Courses in common for both specializations are: MAT111, INF100, MTEK100, MAT121, PHYS111, KJEM110, MAT102/MAT112, INF140/INF161, PHYS112, FARM280, EXPHIL, MTEK200, ING101, INF264, HTEK201, MTEK399.

These courses are compulsory for specialization in chemistry: KJEM130, KJEM131, KJEM250, KJEM333, KJEM260, MTEK330. In addition, there are 20 credits of recommended courses, chosen in agreement with the supervisor.

These courses are compulsory for specialization in physics: PHYS114, PHYS119, PHYS212, PHYS231, PHYS231, PHYS213, HTEK202. In addition, there are 20 credits of recommended courses, chosen in agreement with the supervisor.

Master's thesis: MTEK399 Master's thesis in Masters Programme in Medical Technology of 60 credits. The Master's thesis must be submitted within a deadline at the end of the tenth semester, 1 June.

Recommended electives

20 course credits in the Master's programme are chosen from a list of specific recommended courses and have to be chosen in agreement with the supervisor.

List of specific recommended subjects

All subjects are 10 ECTS courses


KJEM231, KJEM351, KJEM243, HTEK202, KJEM350, KJEM235

Medicinal chemical analysis (MKA)






PHYS206, PHYS205, PHYS116, PHYS271, ELMED219 + Special course examination.

Sequential Requirements, courses

The recommended sequence of the courses in the programme can be found under the heading "Compulsory units".

Study period abroad

The programme committee has made adaption for students who want to take the 6th semester of the study abroad, replacing mandatory courses with preapproved courses. Please contact student advisor in early semesters to plan further studyplan.

Teaching and learning methods

A combination of teaching methods is used in the various courses:lectures, hands-on laboratory, colloquium and workshops. You may find more information in the course description.

The Master's thesis is an independently scientific work, under supervision of an academic supervisor.

Teaching methods

A combination of teaching methods is used in the various courses:lectures, hands-on laboratory, colloquium and workshops. You may find more information in the course description.

The Master's thesis is an independently scientific work, under supervision of an academic supervisor.

Assessment methods

The assessment methods in the courses are: written and oral examination, portfolio assessment, laboratory reports and projects. The assessment methods for each course are described in the course description.

Then final step in the programme is an oral examination. The examination is held when the master¿s thesis is submitted, evaluated and approved.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.
The master's thesis will be graded A to F.
The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.


The health sector and the pharmaceutical industry has a continuously and growing demand for technologists with skills in the intersection between technological equipment, methods of treatment, health personnel and new emerging medical technology. Candidates that hold a Master of Science in Medical Technology will be qualified for employment within the hospital sector, pharmaceutical industry and other technology industry.





The programme will be evaluated according to the quality assurance system of the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, the structure and the quality of the program.

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by the Department of Chemistry, holds the administrative responsibility for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact the academic adviser for the program if you have any questions: Phone: +47 55 58 73 47.