Programmes: 5MAMN-ENER Integrated Master's Programme in Energy - Spring 2024

Name of qualification

Master of Science in Energy

ECTS Credits

Five years of full-time study, where the normal workload for a full-time student is 60 credits for one academic year.



Objectives and content

The programme shall provide a solid theoretical basis for the understanding of a wide spectrum of energy related issues. The students shall acquire competence to put energy supply and use in a wider environmental and societal perspective.

The education shall provide knowledge and skills which make the candidates qualified for working in industry, research and development as well as public administration. The education provides methodologies which give the candidate flexibility and adaptability in a volatile job market.

The programme contains a combination of basic courses, providing tools for the future; energy related courses; internship and a master thesis in which the candidate is exposed to relevant energy related issues.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate
- has solid, science based knowledge about energy resources, their use and disadvantages.
- has knowledge related to ethical and societal issues related to energy production and utilization.
- has specialized knowledge within one or more areas as e.g. wind energy, marine renewables, solar energy, hydro power, geothermal energy, energy storage, optimization or environmental consequences.
- has a solid knowledge in basic disciplines as mathematics, physics and informatics which provides a solid foundation for continued upgrading and extension of the knowledge within energy.


The candidate
- can use state-of-art methods within the field and is capable to get familiarized with new methods.
- can, within his or her special field, perform advanced analyses of e.g. resources, usable energy, system implications and environmental impacts.
- can plan and execute a research project together with a supervisor, but with a high degree of autonomy.
- has capability to get familiarized with adjacent fields and to communicate with specialists within those fields.

General competence

The candidate
- can write and present a final project report in accordance with accepted practice within natural and technological sciences.
- can postulate and test hypotheses as well as make conclusions from his or her own work by referring to scientific literature.
- can make critical assessments of new ideas within the field of energy as well as making contributions to new solutions.
- can analyze and reflect upon relevant ethical issues related to energy
- demonstrates insight and respect for scientific values as transparency, precision and reliability.

Admission Requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification including specific requirements from upper secondary school (SIVING).

Introductory Courses


Compulsory units

The master's programme consists of two components: Coursework of 240 credits and an individual research project (master's thesis) of 60 credits.

Courses: The courses MAT111, INF109, ENERGI101, MAT112, PHYS111, ING101, GEOF105, PHYS113, KJEM110, ENERGI230, MAT121, EX.PHIL MNSEM, GEOF210, MAT212, STAT110, ENERGI240 and ENERGI220 are compulsory. In addition, there are 70 credits of elective courses, chosen in agreement with the academic supervisor.

10th semester (spring): ENERGI399I (master's thesis) (30 ECTS)
9th semester (autumn): Elective course (10 ECTS) - ENERGI399I (master's thesis) (20 ECTS)
8th semester (spring): Elective course (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS) - ENERGI399I (master's thesis) (10 ECTS)
7th semester (autumn): ENERGI220 (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS)
6th semester (spring): ENERGI240 (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS) - elective course (10 ECTS)
5th semester (autumn): GEOF210 (10 ECTS) - MAT212 (10 ECTS) - STAT110 (10 ECTS)
4th semester (spring): ENERGI230 (10 ECTS) - MAT121 (10 ECTS) - EX.PHIL-MNSEM (10 ECTS)
3rd semester (autumn): GEOF105 (10 ECTS) - PHYS113 (10 ECTS) - KJEM110 (10 ECTS)
2nd semester (spring): MAT112 (10 ECTS) - PHYS111 (10 ECTS) - ING101* (10 ECTS)
1st semester (autumn): MAT111 (10 ECTS) - INFI09 (10 ECTS) - ENERGI101 (10 ECTS)
*Taught at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences


Master's thesis: ENERGI399I Master's thesis in Energy of 60 credits [the student may, in consultation with the supervisor choose to write a thesis of 30 credits and expanding the amount of coursework correspondingly]. The Master's thesis must be submitted within a deadline at the end of the tenth semester, 20 November or 1 June.

Recommended electives

 Altogether 7 elective courses of 10 credits each may be chosen. The courses should be taken during the 6th to 9th term. There is a large amount of courses to elect from. A plan must be made to ensure that the relevant knowledge and skills are acquired prior to commencement of the master thesis. The plan should be made during the 5th term and seen in conjunction with the internship during the 6th term. If you plan to choose 10 ECTS courses on 100-lever from 7th semester ypu have to apply the Programme boar.


MAT160 Introduction to Numerical methods and GEOF301 Introduction to the master degree is recommended for many specializations.In addition, there must be courses outside the area of specializations, e.g other Faculties like Faculty of Social Sciences or at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.One of the elective courses must be outside the MNT faculty to satisfy the requirements to the "Sivilingeniør" degree.



For thesis within geothermal energy and ocean energy following coures are recommended as elective courses:

MAT252, MAT253, MAT254 and MAT264 including GEOV112 and GEOV219 for geothermal energy or GEOF110, GEOF211 and GEOF212 for ocean energy. All elective courses are taken in agreement with supervisor.


Recommended study plan for thesis geothermal energy with emphasis on mathematics:

10. semester spring: Master thesis

09. semester autumn: one elective course + Master thesis

08. semester spring: elective course + elective course GEOV219 + Master thesis

07. semester autumn: ENERGI220 + elective course MAT254 +elective course GEOV112

06. semester spring: ENERGI240 + elective course MAT252 + elective course MAT264


Recommended study plan for thesis ocean energy with emphasis on mathematics:

10. semester spring: Master thesis

09. semester autumn: one elective course + Master thesis

08. semester spring: elective course + elective course GEOF211 + Master thesis

07. semester autumn: ENERGI220 + elective course MAT253 + elective course GEOF212

06. semester spring: ENERGI240 + elective course MAT252 + elective course MAT264


Recommended study plan for thesis geothermal energy with emphasis on goe-science:

Following elective courses are recommended in agreement with supervisor: MAT131, GEOV111, GEOV112, MAT261, GEOV219, GEOV276 and GEOV355.

10. semester spring: Master thesis

09. semester autumn: one elective course GEOV355 + Master thesis

08. semester spring: elective course GEOV219 + elective course GEOV276 + Master thesis

07. semester autumn: ENERGI220 + elective course GEOV112 +elective course MAT261

06. semester spring: ENERGI240 + elective course MAT131 + elective course GEOV111


Recommended study plan for thesis ocean energy with emphasis on geophysics, wind, solar, environmental and climatic impact following courses are recommended: GEOF110 (required previous knowledge to GEOF21), GEOF211, GEOF212, GEOF213, GEOF220, GEOF232, GEOF310/GEOF311, GEOF339, GEOF343, GEOF346 og GEOF352. All elevtive courses are taken in agreement with supervisor.

Possible study plan:

10. semester spring: Master thesis

09. semester autumn: one elective course + Master thesis + Master thesis

08. semester spring: elective course + elective course GEOV232 + Master thesis

07. semester autumn: ENERGI220 + elective course GEOF212/GEOF213 +elective course GEOF310/311

06. semester spring: ENERGI240 + elective course GEOF110 + elective course STAT111


 Recommended study plan for specialities with energy analysis and optimization: courses INF270 and INF170 should be included, but courses like INF271, INF272, INF273 and STAT220 could be recommended. All elective courses should be choosen in agreement with supervisor. In 6 th. semester you can choose INF101 and STAT111 or other courses in agreement with supervisor.

Possible study plan:

10. semester spring: Master thesis

09. semester autumn: one elective course STAT220 + Master thesis + Master thesis

08. semester spring: elective course INF271/INF272/INF273* + Master thesis

07. semester autumn: ENERGI220 + elective course INF270 +elective course INF170

06. semester spring: ENERGI240 + elective course INF101 + elective course STAT111



 Recommended study plan for specialities security in energy production: courses PTEK250 and PTEK252 are recommended in addition to PTEK202, INF2047 (HVL), PTEK354 and GEOF301 All elective courses should be choosen in agreement with supervisor. Possible study plan:

10. semester spring: Master thesis

09. semester autumn: one elective course PTEK252 + Master thesis + Master thesis

08. semester spring: elective course INF271/INF272/INF273 + Master thesis

07. semester autumn: ENERGI220 + elective course PTEK250 +elective course PTEK202

06. semester spring: ENERGI240 + elective course ING2047* + elective course

* course rund at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Sequential Requirements, courses

The recommended sequence of the courses in the programme can be found under the heading "Compulsory units".

Study period abroad

You can plan study periods abroad in consultation with your supervisor as a part of the master agreement. We have close contact towards abroad universities as e.g. Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) in Stockholm and Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. The overview over relevant places will be adjusted according to the actual subject studied. A stay abroad and an eventual internship in a company should take place during year 4 or 5 of the master programme. This makes it possible to connect the master thesis to activities at the external institution. External persons may contribute as co-supervisors for the master thesis, even if the responsibility for definition of the thesis and the main supervising responsibility remains at UiB. By timing the abroad study / exchange to the 4th and 5th year, the student will be able to build upon the acquired knowledge during the studies.

Teaching methods

A combination of teaching methods is used in the various courses, mainly lectures, workshops, hands-on laboratory work, seminar, computer exercises, working in groups, exercises, excursion, field work, contact hour, oracle and internship. You may find more information in the course description.

The Master's thesis is an independent scientific work, with supervision from an academic supervisor.

Assessment methods

Then final step in the programme is an oral examination. The examination is held when the master's thesis is submitted, evaluated and approved.

The most common assessment methods in the courses are written and oral examination, portfolio evaluation, mandatory submission of assignment, mid-term assessment, final written exam, project assignment.

The assessment methods for each course are described in the course description.

For the courses ENERGI101, ENERGI220 and ENERGI230 the assessment is composed of a written examination and evaluation of a project report. The weight is 70% -30% on the two. It is also required that 2/3 of the exercise assignments are approved. The project reports should contribute to an increased reflection upon the issues discussed. For the internship topic, (ENERGI240) a report will be required as well as a self-evaluation mid-way and by the end of the internship.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.
The master's thesis will be graded A to F.
The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.

Access to further studies

To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral education (PhD) the candidate must have completed a master's degree.
To qualify for the Doctoral education (PhD) at UiB the average grade for the master's thesis, the Master's degree and the bachelor's degree should be at least C.
In order to get enrolled you have to be granted a fellowship for doctoral training.


In the society at large there is an ongoing debate related to energy supply and use of energy in the future. Achieving the 2 Deg. (1.5 Deg.) limit, UN's sustainability targets for 2030 as well as national emission targets, are all strongly related to choice of energy sources and the use of energy. The industry is a rapid change with respect to use of energy. It is thus expected that both within the public and private sectors there will be an increased need for master degree candidates with detailed knowledge of various energy related issues, and who also can put the energy issues in a wider context.

A rapid change in work processes and tasks are ongoing within the energy sector. We have well established energy companies operating in Norway as e.g. Statkraft and BKK and there are new energy companies being established upon new business models as e.g. Otovo and Greenstat. There are consulting companies that are providing services to the energy field, as e.g. StormGeo. Transportation companies, in particular within the maritime sector (NCE Maritime Cleantech) are working in niches in a global energy market. And then we have established energy companies expanding into new energy areas as e.g. Statoil within offshore wind and geothermal energy. All the above are expected to need the competence of the candidates from the energy master programme.

Furthermore, various public entities, both nationally and internationally will need this kind of competence, either amongst their own employees or via consulting companies used for providing background material for decisions.

The master programme will provide a good foundation also for further studies towards a PhD.






The programme will be evaluated according to the quality assurance system of the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, the structure and the quality of the program.

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by the Department of Geophysical Institute, holds the administrative responsibility for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact the academic adviser for the program if you have any questions: